1Password for Mac (7.9.6) crashing

This discussion was created from comments split from: I have an item that will crash desktop 1Password 7 if I click it.


  • MikeV99
    Community Member

    Unfortunately I am having periodic crashes and I am using 7.9.6. Have not been able to detect the pattern but I do send in the crash report. Memory leak?

  • Hello @MikeV99! 👋

    I'm sorry to hear that 1Password 7.9.6 is crashing on your Mac. I've split your comment into a new discussion since the other thread was dedicated to a specific issue with version 7.9.7.

    1Password 7 is no longer supported, and I recommend that you update to 1Password 8 to take advantage of the latest bug fixes and updates:

    That being said, we'll certainly try to help as far as possible. I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@1password.com.

    With your email please include:

    The report will be in zip format. Please send the entire file.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!


  • MikeV99
    Community Member

    I send in a crash report when it crashes, do you need the diagnostics too? The crashes are sporadic. Hard to pin down when or why. Do you want the diagnostic done right after a crash?

    I have numerous devices that will need to be upgraded. Must they all be done at the same time? Will I be able to keep the primary vault? I have hesitated since I really don't look forward to the issues that always seem to occur with an upgrade. The 1PW7 crash happens and then restarts. It has not been a major pain. 1PW7 meets my needs, why upgrade?

  • Dave_1P
    edited November 2022


    Thank you for the reply. A diagnostics report would help us narrow down the issue further. You can send a diagnostics report at anytime, it doesn't have to be right after a crash.

    1PW7 meets my needs, why upgrade?

    1Password 7 is no longer supported and will only receive important security updates. This means that our developers are focused on correcting bugs and crashes in 1Password 8 moving forward. As macOS continues to change, 1Password 7 may become more unstable over time since our developers are no longer actively developing the older app. However, you're welcome to use it for as long as you can although I would recommend updating to the latest and greatest. 🙂


  • MikeV99
    Community Member

    I have numerous devices that will need to be upgraded. Must they all be done at the same time? Will I be able to keep the primary vault?

  • @MikeV99

    Thank you for the reply. You don't need to upgrade every device at the same time. You can use 1Password 7 on some devices and 1Password 8 on others.

    That being said, 1Password 8 no longer supports older "Primary" standalone vaults so you won't see that vault in the new app. Do you already have a 1Password account? If you do then I recommend that you migrate the Primary vault to your 1Password account: Migrate your existing 1Password data from standalone vaults to a 1Password account


  • MikeV99
    Community Member

    I have an account. I shall take a look at doing a migration plan. Thank you.

  • MikeV99
    Community Member

    How do I make a backup copy of a 1PW8 vault on a disk drive external to the 1password system?

    Is it possible to have a 1PW account password that is different from the device 1password logon?

  • @MikeV99

    I'll respond below:

    How do I make a backup copy of a 1PW8 vault on a disk drive external to the 1password system?

    With a 1Password 8, there is no need to backup your vault since your data is already backed up to your 1Password account in the cloud. If you accidentally delete an item you can always restore it from your 1Password account on 1Password.com: View and restore previous versions of items

    Your encrypted data is replicated to redundant copies on our end to guard against any data loss. It's also stored in an encrypted cache on all of your devices as well.

    Is it possible to have a 1PW account password that is different from the device 1password logon?

    Your account password is what you use to unlock 1Password and decrypt your data. Can you tell me a little more about why you'd like to use a different password to unlock 1Password on your Mac?


  • MikeV99
    Community Member

    I found I can use Export/Import as a means to create a backup separate from the 1Password.com cloud.

    I have a family account. I wanted each family member to have their own individual unique 1PW cloud account password. At the same time I wanted all of the family members to use the same family 1PW password to unlock their device 1PW vault. In that way the 1password.com account cloud password would belong to each family member. However, if I needed to do something on my wife's device 1PW vault I would use the common family vault password to access it on her device without needing to know her cloud password.

    With 1PW7 each family member has their own cloud account and unique password. However, since I use a standalone primary vault the same primary vault password allows us to use a common password on all devices.

  • Dave_1P
    edited December 2022


    Thank you for clarifying. When using 1Password 7, 1Password accounts didn't have a separate "cloud account and unique password". You're correct that what likely explains the behaviour that you saw in 1Password 7 was the fact that you had a standalone Primary vault that was not part of your account and that had it's own password. 1Password 7 unlocked using the password of the first vault or account added to the app, so if you added the standalone Primary vault to 1Password 7 first then that's the password that you used to unlock the app.

    1Password 8 does not support older standalone vaults so this workflow is no longer possible. In general, I don't recommend that folks share their 1Password account password with anyone else since it's the secret that unlocks their data (and it sounds like you're looking to avoid doing this as well). Perhaps you could have your wife copy/move the items that you sometimes need access to over to a shared vault that both of you share? You can read more about shared vaults here:

    Another option may be to add your fingerprint to your wife's device so that you can unlock 1Password using Touch ID. 🙂


This discussion has been closed.