Unable to restore from a backup 1Password7 7.9.6 (70906003), MacBook Pro, OS Monterey 12.6.1

Community Member
edited November 2022 in Mac

I accidentally (not sure how) overwrote one of my login username and password with asterisks. The username showed all asterisks plus the last four digits of the username. The password is all asterisks. When I hover over and select show in large type the asterisks are displayed instead of the actual characters. I figured, no problem, I'll restore from a backup. When I did that, and reopen 1Password, the vault is completely empty! I have tried the previous two backup files with the same result (empty vault). I have several more backup files (older) but I am afraid the restore process is wiping them. I was syncing via iCloud to my iPhone, so my data is on the phone (with the exception of that one account that is all asterisks). I have stopped syncing. Any suggestions or help to recover my data is appreciated!

1Password Version: 7.9.6
Extension Version: 70906003
OS Version: 12.6.1
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hello @bigvoice! 👋

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble restoring a backup of a vault. For help with older legacy standalone vaults, I recommend sending an email to support+forum@1Password.com so that our support team can assist. After emailing in, you'll receive a reply from BitBot, our friendly robot assistant with a Support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. Post that here, and I'll be able to locate your message and make sure it's gotten to the right place. 🙂


  • bigvoice
    Community Member

    Hey Dave,

    Thanks for the response! Here is the number from BitBot: Re: [#UXZ-27134-353] Question about 1Password

    Thanks again!


  • bigvoice
    Community Member


    I received a response from the support email. It basically dealt with the "asterisk" problem, not the vault is empty after restore problem! Any help you might have with that will be much appreciated!


  • @bigvoice

    Thank you for posting the Support ID. I've located your ticket and I see that you've responded via email as well and that one of my colleagues sent a list of questions so that we can learn more about the restore issue. I recommend continuing the conversation over email and I'm closing this thread to prevent duplication of effort. 🙂


    ref: UXZ-27134-353

This discussion has been closed.