1Password and Dropbox

Community Member
edited November 2022 in Mac

I originally set up 1Password with Dropbox many years ago. If I delete Dropbox, will 1Password still work? Do I need another place for the agilekey and ops files?

1Password Version: Mac 8.9.8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: mac OS 13.0.1
Browser:_ Firefox
Referrer: forum-search:I originally set up 1Password with Dropbox. If I delete Dropbox, will 1Password still work?


  • Hello @HBA! 👋

    Since I don't have access to your account information here on the forums, I recommend sending an email to support+forum@1Password.com so that our support team can help you with your older Dropbox-synced standalone vaults. After emailing in, you'll receive a reply from BitBot, our friendly robot assistant with a Support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. Post that here, and I'll be able to locate your message and make sure it's gotten to the right place. 🙂


  • HBA
    Community Member

    Here's the Support ID: [#EAZ-24747-913]
    Thanks for your help.

  • @HBA

    Thank you for the Support ID. I've located your ticket and I see that one of my colleagues has already replied. I recommend continuing the conversation over email and I'm closing this thread to prevent duplication of effort.


    ref: EAZ-24747-913

This discussion has been closed.