"Microsoft was used to sign in to" functionality doesn't detect all Microsoft accounts

Community Member
edited November 2022 in 1Password in the Browser

When logging into a web app on my corporate network with domain such as app.foo.com, 1Password correctly detects that I'm logging in using an Azure Active Directory account. When prompted to add to 1Password, though, 1Password returns every Microsoft account I have except the one used.

For example, I have an outlook.com account, various *.com accounts for clients, and then my employer's account (foo.com). firstname.lastname@foo.com, which is the AAD account used to login to app.foo.com, isn't available to select.

I've confirmed that I am logged into both of my 1Password accounts and vaults (my personal vault and my corporate vault).

1Password Version: 8.9.8
Extension Version: 2.5.0
OS Version: Windows 11 21H2
Browser:_ Edge


  • Hey @USMA56795,

    Can you locate your firstname.lastname@foo.com item and either send a screenshot or let me know the website URL that is saved within it? In addition, can you compare that with an item of one of accounts that is being suggested so we can see if there are any clues as to why you aren't seeing that specific account?

    Thank you in advance!

  • NicoSc
    Community Member

    I have the same issue, is there a solution for it?

  • Hey @NicoSc,

    I'm sorry for the trouble.

    As I have requested above are you able to provide example's of an account that is suggested and one that isn't so we can compare the two and try to get to the bottom of things?

    Thank you!

  • NicoSc
    Community Member

    Hello @steph.giles , how can I send this to you?

  • Hey @NicoSc,

    Please attach them to an email addressed to support+forum@1password.com with a link to this thread. Please be mindful to mask any personal information before doing so.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

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