All Vaults sorting changed in browsers, items no longer intermingled

All Vaults sorting has changed (in the browers, and I've tried various ones) -- the items shown are no longer intermingled. Before, I could look alphabetically and see an item, no matter which vault is was in. Now each vault is listed separately, alphabetically within that one vault.
Is there a way to change it back so that all items are shown in one alphabetical list, no matter which vault they're in?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:All Vaults sorting changed, no longer intermingled


  • Hey @doray,

    You should be able to view all vaults if you click on the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and sign in. Next click on the 1Password icon in the top left hand corner of the pop up and choose 'All Vaults'. Here are some other suggestions that might help:

    1. Right click on the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose Settings
    2. Set 'Open 1Password to' to 'All Items'
    3. Scroll down to the Accounts & Vaults section and check all vaults are enabled here.

    I hope this helps, let us know if you have any questions!

  • doray
    Community Member

    Thank you for responding, but that wasn't actually the question. I can see All Vaults without a problem; it's the sorting that's the issue. Please see my original post.

  • donmadison
    Community Member

    This is an issue for me as well. After importing my passwords and my wife's passwords from LastPass, there are many, many duplicates. It's much easier to detect the duplicates when the All Vaults items are sorted alphabetically across all values, not just within each vault. As doray asked, is there a way to have the items from all vaults intermingled?

  • Sorry for the delay @doray and I apologise for my misunderstanding.

    I'm having a hard time replicating the behaviour you are describing. If I unlock 1Password in my browser and then click on the 1Password icon in the top left hand corner and make sure it is set to 'All Vaults' I see the items in alphabetical order regardless of their vault. Can you possibly attach a screenshot to demonstrate this behaviour? Please be mindful to hide any personal information before doing so.


    I would recommend sorting through your duplicates from within the 1Password desktop app, can you let me know if you have this installed? You may find it easier organizing and sorting your items within here. Let us know if there's anything we can help with at all!

  • doray
    Community Member

    I'm sorry @steph.giles, but I'm not comfortable with / willing to post a screenshot of my 1Password vaults. However, the problem I describe persists in multiple browsers (I checked again today in both Firefox and Chrome on the Mac), AND I'm not the only one -- it has been verified by another 1Password user.

    As mentioned, the issue is that within All Vaults, each vault is listed separately, alphabetically within that one vault. I would like All Vaults to show all items alphabetically regardless of the vault they're in.

  • donmadison
    Community Member

    This misbehavior comes and goes, and then returns. I originally thought some bug had been accidentally published, then retracted, but then returns. Rebooting my Mac and restarting my Chrome browser didn’t help.

  • Hi @doray @donmadison thanks for getting back to us.

    Are running into this issue with 1Password in the browser (browser extension) or when you are on

    Like my colleague mentioned, I would recommend using the 1Password app (desktop or mobile app) to manage your 1Password data. When using the 1Password app, you can view all of your items across in alphabetical order without having them separated by vault by clicking all items and choosing your sorting settings. I used a test account to demonstrate what it will look like below:


    Additionally, with the 1Password app you can use the Watchtower feature to detect any duplicate passwords you have across all of your vaults. You can find out more about how to use the Watchtower feature here: Use Watchtower to find passwords you need to change. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • donmadison
    Community Member

    Thank you, Chris and Steph for your suggestions to use the desktop app for organizing the contents of vaults, especially detecting duplicates. It wasn't clear that "All Categories" implied all vaults, but now I see that it does.
    One drawback of using "All Categories" in the desktop app is that the list of items does not render icons representing the items' vault, the way the browsers do.

    Thank you, Chris, for the suggestion to use WatchTower for detecting duplicates. Hopefully that detects duplicates across all vaults for which I have permission to access.

  • doray
    Community Member

    @ChrisC1P, in answer to your question, I have the browser extensions, but I don't know if the problem exists with those. I'm running into the issue (of each vault being listed separately in All Vaults) on .

  • Hi @donmadison and @doray,

    Thank you both for the additional details. I suspect this is a related to a known bug when viewing All Vaults on While not a long term solution, one side effect of this bug is that editing an item seems to resort the list of items, so you can give that a try.

    I will second Chris' suggestion to use one of the 1Password 8 apps though. At present they've got a few more features when it comes to managing and sorting your data. If you're already using any of the 1Password browser extensions, the desktop apps will also integrate with them for a more seamless experience across your entire device: 1Password 8 | Security, meet productivity

    Either way, thanks for surfacing this and I apologize for any inconvenience it's caused. Let me know if you end up trying out that workaround or any of the apps, we'll be here to help if you have any questions. 🙂

    ref: dev/core/core#19679

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