Annoying feature of creating new items to 1 Password

Community Member
edited December 2022 in 1Password in the Browser

Consider this scenario......

I am registering for a new online account with a web vendor, in this case instance

The pop-up box asks me if I want to save the new account in 1Password, I select yes but the pop-up stays on screen and I can't continue with the registration, I have to cancel the 1 Password save to continue. This means I have to copy the password and create the account next time I login to the website

Is this normal ?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi @segovia , thank you for providing that screenshot and URL.

    The behavior you described is definitely not normal. I did some testing on my end and was not able to recreate the issue. I have some questions that will help me to understand what's going on:

    1. Can you confirm what device, OS, and browser versions you are using?
    2. Are you using 1Password in the browser (browser extension), the 1Password app (desktop or mobile app), or both? What versions are you running?

    Once you get back to me I will be able to look into this further.

  • segovia
    Community Member


    I am MAC OS Ventura and I am using the 1 Password Plugin in Firefox

  • Hey @segovia,

    I'm sorry for the trouble you are having with 1Password in the browser. I think it would be useful if we could take a closer look at some logs and what may be going wrong.

    I'd like to ask you to send over a console log from your browser as well as a diagnostics report:

    Please attach the reports to an email message addressed to with a link to this thread.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • segovia
    Community Member


    I tried the same website with a different email address and this time it worked as expected, I had the control panel debug for Firefox open, but I could not find how to save. Right click on the CP didn't bring up the save messages to file option.

  • segovia
    Community Member


    I managed to find how to save to file; however, I don't get the same error when the debugging console is running. It works as expected

    Image is without inspector running, it failed.

    What format does file attach support .pdf and .txt can't be added to this conversation

  • Please email us using Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question. When emailing us please attach the item as .txt. Do not post logs to the community.

  • segovia
    Community Member

    Hi - I still have this problem; however, I can't replicate it when the debugger is running


    With the debugger running, I can create and save a new password

  • Hey @segovia,

    Did you email in as Tommy suggested? I think this would be really useful at this point so we can see what is going on.

    Please send it to with a link to this thread.

    Thank you!

  • segovia
    Community Member

    No, as I can't get it to fail with the debugger running.

  • @segovia

    There is an issue we are aware of in Firefox which could be related to the behaviour you are seeing. For that issue, it seems to happen only after unlocking 1Password from the inline menu (the 1Password icon within the login/password field directly).

    • Can you confirm if you're unlocking 1Password from the inline menu icon right before selecting the suggested password?
    • If that's not the case for you, is 1Password already unlocked when you select the suggested password?

    If you are unlocking 1Password from the inline menu first, could you try these steps and see if the 'Save Password' modal shows up as expected?

    1. See 1Password is locked - left click the 1Password icon in the browser's toolbar.
    2. Unlock 1Password from there.
    3. Select the suggested password on the page and see if things behave as expected.

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    ref: dev/core/core#12592

  • segovia
    Community Member


    I am only unlocking from the plugin

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @segovia, it does not sound like you're running into the issue that Steph mentioned. At this time, we'll need some additional details so that we can get to the bottom of what is happening. I'd like you to please reproduce the issue in Firefox (with the debugger off) and then send over the following:

    Attach the logs and diagnostics to an email message addressed to

    With your email please include:

    We'd sincerely like for you to send us an email with the requested info above so that we can investigate the issue further. After you send an email to us, you should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks!

  • segovia
    Community Member


    I still have the problem, I thought I had narrowed it down to my Cookies blocker, I disabled it and 1 Password worked; however, when I next came to adding an acount it failed again

  • Hey @segovia,

    I'm sorry that you are still having trouble, can you possibly send over the logs as requested by Joy so we can do some further investigation?

    Thank you!

  • segovia
    Community Member

    What email do I send the report to ?

  • @segovia,

    Please attach the reports to an email message addressed to with a link to this thread.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • mitchellcamps
    Community Member

    Hello, I am seeing this same issue still. Oddly, when I was creating a new account for this website (1password community) the popup window was able to close itself, but when I was creating an account via Roblox, the window would not close in the same manner as discussed above.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @mitchellcamps, I tested with 1Password in Chrome on the Roblox website, and I was able to save my new login without issue.

    Sometimes syncing issues are the reason why 1Password can run into trouble with saving suggested passwords and logins. To resolve that, can you try the steps below:

    1. Right click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose Settings.
    2. Under General, disable "Integrate with 1Password app".
    3. Under Accounts & Vaults, sign out of your account.
    4. Sign back into your account.
    5. Go back to General, and re-enable "Integrate with 1Password app" (if you have the 1Password desktop app installed).

    If the issue is still present, please let us know the following:

    • What browser are you using?
    • Do you have other extensions installed in your browser? If so, what are they?
    • Does this only happen on the Roblox website or does it happen on most websites?

    Let us know how everything goes!

This discussion has been closed.