Something started yesterday relating to erroneous sorting items after logging in to

I prefix some of my very important items with a two digit number like 10 - Emergency Instructions to Family and 20 - Urgent pins and passwords for family. These always sort to the top of my items after signing in. Yesterday, something happened to the sort sequence. At first, I thought the numbers were now being sorted to the bottom of the list, but on further examination my list goes from some alphabetic items listed first, then some numeric prefixed items show second, then some more all alpha items were listed, followed by the rest of the numerically prefixed items.

In order to correct it, I edit one of the numeric prefix items, make a change to the numeric prefix, then save it. Instantly, the list re-sorts itself to the way it used to show: All of the numerically prefixed items show first in proper Ascii sort sequence, followed by all of the alpha items also sorted in proper Ascii sort sequence.

Obviously I found a workaround, but I'd like it to auto-sort all items according to the proper Ascii sort sequence of each item when you login, as it used to do prior to yesterday..

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Something started yesterday relating to sorting items after logging in to


  • jfarnsworth
    Community Member
    edited December 2022

    I'm having a problem with items not being sorted when logging into

    I prefix some of my very important items with a two digit number like 10 - Emergency Instructions to Family and 20 - Urgent pins and passwords for family. These always sorted to the top of my items after signing in. On November 30, something happened to the sort sequence. At first, I thought the numbers were now being sorted to the bottom of the list, but on further examination my list goes from some alphabetic items listed first, then some numeric prefixed items show second, then some more all alpha items were listed, followed by the rest of the numerically prefixed items.

    In order to correct it, I edit one of the items and then save it without making any changes. Instantly, the list re-sorts itself to the way it used to show: All of the numerically prefixed items show first in proper Ascii sort sequence, followed by all of the alpha items also sorted in proper Ascii sort sequence.

    Also, sometimes, when I save the item it throws up a new tab and tells me to login again. However, if I just close the tab, I'm still properly signed into the tab on which the I first signed into and edit an item to force it to re-sort. I haven't been able to find a pattern as to when it opens this new tab.

    Obviously I found a workaround, but I'd like it to auto-sort all items according to the proper Ascii sort sequence of each item when you login, as it used to do prior to November 30.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: 2.5.0
    OS Version: Windows 10 Professional
    Browser:_ Edge

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jfarnsworth, the behavior that you're describing is strange. Could you reproduce the issue and then send us a screenshot of the logins via email?

    With your email please include:

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks!

  • jfarnsworth
    Community Member

    Hi @Joy_1P,

    To what email address should I send the email with the screenshots??

    FYI I discovered two things as I was putting together the screenshots you requested.

    1. When I first sign into, the items are sorted within Vault Name as the primary sort key. The Vault Name sort seems to be random, because each time I sign in, a different Vault is the first Vault listed. However, each item within each Vault is properly sorted.

    2. I can simply edit any item (doesn't have to begin with a numeric as reported in OP), re-save it, and the sort order of the items is then properly displayed as it was prior to 11/30/2022. i.e. All of the Items are sorted alpha-numerically irrespective of the vault in which they are stored.

    I've got the above documented in the screenshots I prepared.

  • Hey @jfarnsworth,

    I do apologise, please send the email to where our team will be able to help.

    Thank you!

  • jfarnsworth
    Community Member

    Hi again @Joy_1P,

    I emailed the documentation and the support ID is [#NXM-16769-662]

    Thank you for your help!

  • jfarnsworth
    Community Member

    Hi @steph.giles,

    I emailed the documentation and the support ID is [#NXM-16769-662]

    Thank you for your help!

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    @jfarnsworth thanks for that. I do see that a team member has replied to your ticket. Let's keep the convo going from there. Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.

  • jfarnsworth
    Community Member

    Hi @steph.giles and @Joy_1P ,

    Happy New Year!

    I was wondering if you could update me on any progress that's been made on this issue?



  • Hi Jay (@jfarnsworth),

    Thanks for following up and a happy new year to you as well! I'm afraid I don't have any updates to share at the moment. For what it's worth though, I can confirm that several folks internally have tested what you described and found the same results.

    If you're open to it, I do encourage you to try the latest 1Password 8 apps on your preferred platforms: Download 1Password

    At present, these apps are more up to date with features compared to If you're already using a browser extension, the desktop apps will also integrate with those for a more seamless experience.

    Let me know if you give them a try or have any questions. 🙂

    ref: NXM-16769-662
    ref: dev/core/core#19679

This discussion has been closed.