1Password Sometimes Double-Fills Password Field

Community Member
edited December 2022 in 1Password in the Browser

On occasion, when autofilling a login form, 1Password will double-fill the password field when unlocking with Touch ID. Subsequent attempts to fill in a form do not exhibit this behavior.

1Password Version: 8.9.4
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: macos 13.0.1
Browser:_ Firefox



  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @nickfromdc, does this issue happen consistently on specific websites or does it happen randomly? By double-fill, do you mean that 1Password fills in the password twice in one field? Or does 1Password fill the password in two different fields?

  • nickfromdc
    Community Member

    @Joy_1P it doesn't happen on every site, but I have noticed it on a few. I do see it pretty consistently on the AWS gov site (https://signin.amazonaws-us-gov.com), but I have also had it happen on a few other sites. I upgraded to 8.9.8, and the behavior still occurs.

    By "fills twice" I do mean it fills the password field twice. The behavior is it: 1P fills the form, there is a brief delay, then 1P fills the password field again.

  • Hi @nickfromdc,

    Thank you for confirming this.

    I have tested the AWS gov site and I can't seem to replicate the behaviour. Can you let me know the steps you are taking to fill? Are you clicking on the item beneath the field or are you using a keyboard shortcut?

    Any information would be really useful.

  • rvdm
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    I have this issue too on multiple sites. This is the website I just had the issue with: https://moneybird.com/login
    My flow and info:

    • firefox latest update, 108.0.1, 1password 8.9.12, BETA channel, addon version 2.5.1
    • enter the website in a new tab
    • command-\ (my shortcut for 'fill')
    • username and password fill both; in the password field I see the amount of stars corresponding to the length of my password
    • within one or two seconds, the amount of stars doubles


    • 'inspect elements' after the 'doubling' shows it concatenates the correct password to itself, actually filling the field twice
    • if i submit within the 2 seconds (i.e. before the 'doubling') login works fine
    • This doesn't seem to be predictable - i.e. logging out, closing the tab, doing it again doesn't always show the same behaviour
    • I have this on multiple sites
    • If I do command-\ again after the doubling, the original password gets entered again, and the doubling does not occur
  • leonj
    Community Member

    Hey everyone,

    I'd like to pitch in as well. I'm having this issue with multiple websites (my university's websites, facebook, stackoverflow, ...) where my password gets filled in twice on autofill. This behavior only occurs when 1Password is locked and I am using TouchID or my password to unlock the app. The username gets entered correctly, the password is entered correctly but after a short delay is entered a second time in the same field which leads to unsuccessful login attempts.

    I am using Firefox (108.0.1) on a MacBook with OS 12.5, 1Password 8.9.11, and Extension Version 2.5.1.

  • ikjadoon
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    I've also noticed this on Facebook (and other sites I can't remember, unfortunately): the password is entered twice (so password1 becomes password1password1), but I unfortunately don't have any reproduction steps as it's only happened once or twice. @leonj might be onto something with 1P needing be to locked.

    It is hard to reproduce, but there's something funky going on with the extension's filling behaviour related to double / twice inputting passwords.

    Edge 108.0.1462.54 (Official build) (arm64)
    1Password Edge Extension 2.5.1
    macOS 12.6.2 (M1 MacBook Air)
    1Password for Mac 8.9.11 (80911019)

  • JimShady99
    Community Member

    I am having the same behavior. It only happens when unlocking 1Password. So starting fresh from waking the computer, I go to a website push CMD + \ (unlock 1P + fill). It prompts me to use my touch ID fingerprint. Then the password fills, the login and password fields are a slight blue shade to indicate that it has been filled. Then the password field goes white and the password doubles in length.

    This only happens the first time unlocking 1P like described above. The rest of the time that it's unlocked it behaves normally. I can also hit CMD + \ after the double fill to refill the correct password.

    Firefox 108.0.1
    1Password Firefox Extension 2.5.1
    MacOS Ventura 13.1
    1Password for Mac 8.9.11

  • @nickfromdc, @rvdm, @leonj, @ikjadoon, @JimShady99,

    I apologise for the trouble, we have done some testing and have been able to re-create the same behaviour you shared. It looks like the behaviour is limited to Firefox only, and happens only when 1Password is locked. If 1Password is unlocked when we try and fill with Cmd + \, the fill acts as expected. I've created a report to have our development team look a little further into what might be going wrong, and I've added your insights in support of this investigation.

    In the meantime, could you try the following workaround to fill your login (when 1Password is locked)?

    1. Navigate to the website you'd like to fill.
    2. See that 1Password is locked.
    3. Press Cmd + Shift + Space to invoke the Quick Access prompt.
    4. Unlock your 1Password account.
    5. You should then see the Quick Access prompt, press Return on your login item listed to autofill on the webpage.

    I realize this extra step might not be as ideal as using the Cmd + \ to fill, and I'm sorry for any interruption in your workflow. Let us know if you have any questions!

    ref: dev/core/core#19106

  • rvdm
    Community Member

    In my experience, doing a second cmd+\ after unlocking is less work, and fills the password only once. This 're-fills' the password field with a single password. Hope that helps :)

  • Thanks @rvdm, I'm sorry for the trouble!

  • HomemadeToast57
    Community Member

    Hey! I was wondering if there were any updates on a fix for this issue. Still experiencing this bug in Firefox while auto-filling my login on my university website. Here is the url to the university login website that I can reproduce the bug in: my.binghamton.edu/. Thank you!

  • Hey @HomemadeToast57,

    I'm afraid I don't have any news for you at this time, I have added you to the list of affected users and have asked the team for an update.

    I know it's not ideal but I hope the above workarounds are useful for the time being. I'm so sorry for the disruption.

  • henrys
    Community Member
    edited February 2023

    I am also experiencing the same issue.
    Firefox 109.0.1
    1Password Firefox Extension 2.6.0
    1Password 8.9.15

    It happens approximately one in ten every password fills, when I use cmd+\

    There's no real pattern I've noticed with the type of login form or site. Also, very occasionally it will happen a second time in a row. i.e. I hit cmd+\, it fills the password once then ~0.3s later the same password is entered a second time. I clear the password field, hit cmd+\ again, it fills the password once, then a second time again. I've never had it happen a third time in a row.

    Also, it has happened for me with 1Password both locked and unlocked.

  • Hey @henrys,

    I'm sorry for the trouble, I have added you as an affected user to our internal issue. I appreciate the detail you have provided and I have passed it on.

    Does the workaround I have given above help in the meantime?

    Thank you for your patience!

  • B0rg
    Community Member

    I have this issue to.. Can i create a support ticket for this so we can figure out with logging where it goes wrong?

  • Hey @B0rg,

    Our team are aware and investigating the behaviour, I have added you as an affected user but please feel free if you have any additional information you feel may be useful you can send it in an email to support+forum@1password.com with a link to this thread and our team will further assist.

    Thank you so much for your help, I'm sorry for the disruption!

  • silnijlos
    Community Member

    Same issue here, too.

    Firefox: 111.0.1 (64-bit)
    1Password Firefox Extension: 2.8.1
    1Password for Mac 8.10.3 (81003012)
    MacOS: Ventura 13.2.1 (22D68)

    As described by nickfromdc, this happens after I unlock 1Password with a touch ID. Only happens for the password field, not for the username field.

  • Hey @silnijlos,

    I'm sorry for the disruption.

    I have added you to the internal issue, I hope the workaround I have shared above can help in the meantime.

    Apologies again!

    ref: dev/core/core#19106

  • icemanwwii
    Community Member

    please add me to the affected users list for this bug

  • Hi @icemanwwii, I've added you to the list of affected users and apologize for any inconvenience.

    ref: dev/core/core#19106

  • niksterg11
    Community Member

    Can you add me to the list of affected users?

  • AUSFestivus
    Community Member

    Add me to please.

  • @niksterg11, @AUSFestivus,

    I have added you, I'm sorry for the trouble!

    ref: dev/core/core#19106

  • laeos
    Community Member

    I also have this problem, nearly every site I try to login now double fills the password after a short delay

    1Password for Mac 8.10.6 (81006027)
    firefox 113.0.1 (64-bit)
    1password firefox extension Version 2.10.0

  • Hey @laeos,

    I'm sorry for the disruption, I have added you as an affected user.

    Do the steps listed here help? https://1password.community/discussion/comment/670724/#Comment_670724

    ref: dev/core/core#19106

  • rvdm
    Community Member

    @steph.giles as there are quite some people affected by this, and this bug has been open for almost 6 months, is there any visibility on a fix? The bug is easily reproducable and as the product is not cheap, I'm not happy with having to deal with additional keystrokes multiple times in a day.

  • laeos
    Community Member

    @steph.giles yes, it does seem to behave better if i unlock 1password first, thank you for the work-around!

  • @rvdm

    I totally understand your frustration I have reached out to the team for an update. I'm sorry that there is no other update I can share at this time.


    You're welcome, let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

  • David Gekiere
    David Gekiere
    Community Member

    Hey, just adding my voice to the chorus here. Same issue; firefox, touch id unlock (macbook pro) -> double password :(

    Just want to echo the person above; this is not an inexpensive product, and ~6 months for a reported bug like this feels a bit frustrating. I've been a subscriber for quite a few years and I don't remember a bug this annoying persisting for so long.

  • Hey @David Gekiere,

    I'm so sorry for the disruption, I have added you as an affected user.

    ref: dev/core/core#19106

This discussion has been closed.