Disable "Sign in with..."



is there a way to disable the "Sign in with..." for a subset of websites or all websites? It's a nice idea but breaks my entire work-related workflow when accessing different services. I have to close the pop-up everytime which gets a little bit annoying after a while.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • AG_Travis
    edited December 2022

    Hi @cryptodiv3r !

    We do have a couple settings to limit and/or disable 'sign in with' functionality within the extension settings menu under Autofill. They are all or nothing and not website specific. Here's some steps:

    • Open the extension interface
    • Press the menu button (to the left of New Item)
    • Select Settings
    • Either select Autofill in the left-hand column and/or scroll below until you reach the Autofill header
    • Disable "offer to save new provider sign-ins"

    Let me know if this helps!

  • cryptodiv3r
    Community Member

    Hi @AG_Travis, yes this helps - thank you. I didn't see that options earlier. Do you plan to improve the feature like adding an option "Never save for this website"? I like the idea but as mentioned above it breaks some login workflows if you mix personal/work related signins. Thanks!

  • Hey @cryptodiv3r,

    I understand where you are coming from, I have created a feature request to disable the prompt on certain websites and have added your feedback.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.

    ref: IDEA-I-2332

  • Hi @cryptodiv3r ,

    It is something we're beginning to look into. I can't promise anything soon, but as more feedback comes in from the GA, we should have a good idea of the improvements and/or new features we want to focus on for 'sign in with' in the next couple quarters.

    Best regards,

  • edspar
    Community Member

    This is great in theory but very annoying in day-to-day workflow.
    It obsessively prompts all over the place, particularly on sites that you're "signing in with" the same site that you're on.

    This feature is definitely a rare miss for 1Password!

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @edspar, I can definitely see where you're coming from and will share your feedback with our team. If you're being asked to save an SSO login after you've logged in, or if there's another unexpected/strange behavior occurring, please let us know about the website and we'll report it to our developers.

    In the meantime, if you want to turn off the feature, you can follow the steps provided here to do that: https://1password.community/discussion/comment/666300/#Comment_666300

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Frank1048
    Community Member

    I have several problems on portal.azure.com

    • 1Password creates duplicates entries for already linked accounts and keeps asking to create new entries
    • It keeps asking "sign in with" even when I am already logged in

  • eleventhandy
    Community Member

    This is the most frustrating feature and constantly prompts on all Azure pages.

    Also, we have multiple Microsoft accounts so setting it to one account doesn't work.

  • player1
    Community Member

    It doesn't appear that you have provided a way for enterprise accounts to manage this "feature" globally. When will this be available?

  • martin8768
    Community Member

    Sorry to be a party pooper but this feature is also annoying the **** out of me and the perfect example is above, I have several logins for azure and it pops up every time, I've disabled it using the instructions above.

  • Tertius3
    Community Member

    The current beta extension does have the feature to disable "sign in with".

    This whole functionality is confusing. It adds to the confusion with signing in with Google/Microsoft to other websites in the first place. You never know with what credentials you're now actually signed in, especially older logins. If there wasn't an entry in 1Password, did I use the cloud login, or did I not have an account at all? Or did I accidentally create 2 accounts, one individial and one cloud? What is the main one, and what is the overflow?

    To avoid this confusion, I decided last year I will always sign up with own credentials per website, never with some cloud login. The confusion came back when 1Password started to ask me to "sign in with". But I already decided against it, and I'm really glad it is possible to disable it.

    Since 1Password's task is to store and autofill credentials anyway, I see no point in "sign in with" in the first place. That was made for people who were not able to memorize multiple accounts and use strong unique passwords, as far as I remember.

  • @player1

    If you're part of an enterprise team I would suggest reaching out to support or have your admin. Make sure to let my colleagues know this is something you would like to see.

    Please use business@1password.com

  • @martin8768

    I'm glad you found the steps you needed.

  • DenalB
    Community Member
    edited December 2022


    To avoid this confusion, I decided last year I will always sign up with own credentials per website, never with some cloud login. The confusion came back when 1Password started to ask me to "sign in with". But I already decided against it, and I'm really glad it is possible to disable it.

    I also prefer own credentials for every website / service. So I also disabled the "sign in with" thing in the browser extension, because it confuses me. 👍

  • combdn
    Community Member

    I still get these “Sign in with…” popovers despite having them disabled in the settings…

  • combdn
    Community Member

    Actually, I’m almost ready to disable the browser extension because of how annoying this popover is.

  • Hey @combdn,

    The sign in with Google prompt in your screenshot doesn't appear to be coming from 1Password but the traveloka.com website itself. The 1Password prompt will appear in the right hand corner of your browser window and will have a 1Password icon on it.

    I hope this helps!

  • combdn
    Community Member

    Sorry, it was Google to blame here.

  • No need to apologise @combdn, let us know if there's anything else we can help with!

  • mruss
    Community Member

    I disabled both options, but I still get the prompt when I use Azure (any URL ending with azure.com).
    I tried different combinations, such as saving the login or removing it. Still, I always receive the popup asking to save the login if I didn't save it before and to use the login even though I'm already logged in because of the Microsoft work account.

    It's frustrating and creates a huge issue when I want to record videos - any othersuggestions/workarounds to avoid that?

  • Hey @mruss,

    I'm sorry that this is still causing you bother. It shouldn't be showing we've these options disabled. Just to check we are on the same page can you attach a screenshot of the suggestion you are seeing?

    Thank you!

  • mruss
    Community Member

    Here is the screenshot:

  • Thank you for getting back to me @mruss.

    If you locate your Azure login item and click 'Edit' can you try removing the single sign on association with your Microsoft account and see if it then stops this prompt from appearing?

  • mruss
    Community Member

    After I removed the Azure login item from 1Password, I have the dialog box asking me to save the login.

    I double checked the 1Password configuration, but both settings are disabled:

  • Thanks for your prompt response @mruss. Could you answer the below questions so I can gain a better understanding of your set up:

    Firstly, can you go to the extensions page in your browser and let me know which version of 1Password you have enabled here?

    In addition, are you able to reproduce this behaviour on any other websites? Or is this behaviour specific to Azure?

    Finally, I'd like to test to see if the other autofill settings you have in your browser are being respected. If you right click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose settings and then turn off the setting that says 'Show autofill menu on field focus' and then visit any login form and click into the username or password field, do you still see the suggestion from 1Password? The expected behaviour here is that the suggestion will not show.

    Let me know how you get on with the above!

  • mruss
    Community Member

    I think that I understood what was causing the issue.
    There were 2 instances of 1Password extension installed (both 2.5.2 1Password extension for Edge).
    One of the two was visible in the toolbar, and the other was hidden.
    I've found that the settings of the hidden extension were used.
    I removed one of the extensions, I checked the settings and now it works as expected: by disabling the two "provider sign-ins" settings, I no longer receive those notifications.

    Takeaway: check whether there are two or more instances of the 1Password extensions installed - I don't know how this happened, but it was there.

    Thanks for the support - exploring the options to look for the version I've found the hidden plugin installed!


  • @mruss,

    That makes sense, I'm glad we were able to get to the bottom of things!

    Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

  • aaroncutchin
    Community Member

    Is there a way to edit specific "signs in with" identity providers? I like to use Google as an identity provider, but somehow I accidentally configured a "sign in with Uber" ID provider. I want to disable the Uber ID provider specifically, without disabling the Google ID provider, so I do not accidentally log in using Uber (which, I think, has no business being an ID provider). Where can I view and disable/enable specific ID providers?

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2023

    Hey @aaroncutchin, there's not a way to block Uber as a service in the "Sign in with" feature. However, I can understand why you would like to have this option. I've created a feature request for this on your behalf. Hopefully our devs will consider it in the future.

    For now, I recommend editing your login to change what's used in the "Sign in with" field from your Uber account to your Google account. Below are the steps for that:

    1. Open your login in the 1Password app and click Edit.
    2. Look for the "Sign in with" field tied to your Uber ID.
    3. Click where you see your Uber ID to display a menu of your other accounts.
    4. Select your Google account from there.
    5. Click to Save.

    I hope that helps. Let us know if you have any other questions!

    PB: 29781970

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