1PW not loading ; 1PW library not loading

Community Member

There are two accounts on the mac. On my side 1PW works fine, on the wife's side 1PW will not load ( partial diagnostics below).
24 hours ago everything was working fine on both sides.

The only thing that changed - Chrome on the wife's side auto updated to the newest version (my side has been fine with it for some time)

The only thing I have come up with is that Wife's side has extension AND extension 2.5.0.
I have turned off and turned on 2.5.0 to mach my side (which works) and tried again but no joy.
My assumption is that both side share/access the same apps file.

??? Roger

Process: 1Password [5898]
Path: /Applications/1Password.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/1Password Launcher.app/../../../../Contents/MacOS/1Password
Identifier: com.1password.1password
Version: 8.9.8 (
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: 1Password [5898]
User ID: 503

Date/Time: 2022-12-01 12:56:05.519 -0700
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.15.7 (19H2026)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 74C840C2-DA4A-CD41-70BC-09979F810689

Time Awake Since Boot: 1800 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason: DYLD, [0x1] Library missing

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: @rpath/libffmpeg.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/1Password.app/Contents/Frameworks/Electron Framework.framework/Versions/A/Electron Framework
Reason: image not found


  • Hello @lasllcap! 👋

    I'm sorry that 1Password is crashing on your Mac. Our developers are aware of this issue and we're testing a fix in the latest Nightly version of 1Password to prevent this from happening in the future. In the meantime, please try the following steps:

    1. Open the Terminal app on your Mac: Open or quit Terminal on Mac - Apple Support
    2. Type in each of the following lines, pressing enter after each line:
    cd /Applications/1Password.app/Contents/Frameworks/Electron\ Framework.framework
    sudo chmod -h 755 ./Electron\ Framework ./Helpers ./Libraries ./Resources
    cd Versions
    sudo chmod -h 755 ./Current

    Let me know how that goes. 🙂


    ref: dev/core/core#14740

  • lasllcap
    Community Member

    I'm sorry Dave, but that is one thing I simply can not make myself do. Messing around in Term. is just way outside my comfort zone.
    I really appreciate what your group is able to do , and more than willing to let you all do it.
    In my situation, this glitch has no real effect on my use of 1PW as my wife's use of this machine as a second account does not require 1PW. I simply stumbled on to it while doing some maintenance in her log in.
    If you need the rest of the exception report let me know.

  • Not a problem at all, @lasllcap, I understand.

    I appreciate you surfacing this and sharing your details. We'll continue to track it and fixes and updates can be found in the 1Password for Mac Beta Release Notes.

    If you have any questions in the future, you know where to find us. 🙂

  • argasek
    Community Member
    edited December 2022


    I've hit exactly same problem as OP. Tried changing permissions as per Dave_1P suggestions.

    Edit: it helped! I omitted the

    cd Versions
    sudo chmod -h 755 ./Current


    Everything works now.

    Original comment

    It didn't help.

    However, it might be a permission related issue - for example, I've noticed this:

    MyComputer:ReactiveObjC.framework otheruser$ pwd
    MyComputer:ReactiveObjC.framework otheruser $ ls -la
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x   5 myuser  staff  160 Nov 10 16:41 .
    drwxr-xr-x  11 myuser staff  352 Nov 10 16:41 ..
    ls: ./ReactiveObjC: Permission denied
    lrwx------   1 myuser  staff   29 Nov 10 16:41 ReactiveObjC
    ls: ./Resources: Permission denied
    lrwx------   1 myuser  staff   26 Nov 10 16:41 Resources
    drwxr-xr-x   4 myuser  staff  128 Nov 10 16:41 Versions

    Hope it helps somehow.

  • I appreciate you sharing your findings, @argasek! Glad to hear things are working as expected now. 🙂

This discussion has been closed.