Syncing individual logins between Personal and Shares Vaults (master/slaved entries)

Community Member

I acknowledge this has been raised in previously closed threads, but also that it seems that the OP seems to have been left unsatisfied in every instance. I hope the 1Password team truly understands the importance of it to its users given how it repeatedly resurfaces over the years. Allow me to explain a little better the use case for it that I believe people are getting at/seeking for inclusion but maybe haven't expressed it properly.

I understand that when a Login gets copied to various Shared Vaults from a Personal Vault, that it creates a duplicate of it as it was at that moment in time when it was copied (i.e. it's not "sharing" it to a Shared Vault, but instead creating a second instance of that Login, separate and unique which may become out of date if all instances of it are not manually kept up-to-date independently of each other). That is to say any future changes to the password do not replicate to the other Shared Vaults to which it was copied when a password is changed.

This is where users are left unsatisfied:
We understand that the Whole Family Vault is for everyone, and in the eyes of the 1Password team we should only have 1 instance of any given login, and keep it exclusively in the Whole Family Vault as opposed to both Personal and Family vaults (i.e. Netflix, or a VPN family plan, other streaming services, Home Security systems, etc).

The downfall of this is that the Children have the ability to delete the entry (whether by accident or on purpose). There are things I want to share with my partner but not with kids, and things I want to share with the whole family. There is also my Work Vault, separate from my Personal Vault, that is not shared.

What we really want is to have a 'Master' entry for a given login. One that can only be changed in the personal vault be default, and then have 'Slaved' entries copied to other vaults that cannot be tampered with in those vaults, and down in the bottom (for example, next to the Related Items section) have a box stating who owns the 'Master' entry which it is slaved to. Hand-in-hand with that would be to have the 'Master' owner have 2 check boxes that are selectable in the Master entry: "allow slaved entries to be deleted by shared vault users (only deletes the shared entry)" and "allow slaved entries to be updated by shared vault users (updates all, including Master entry)". This permits mandatory/forced-password changes to be updated by 'shared users', and a notification little alert or (*)/(!) appearing on that Master entry the next time the owner views it so that they can see the revision history and be aware that the password has been changed by a user in the slaved entry of the Login.

This way, when NordVPN, as an example, incessantly demands a password change every so often, I can oblige and change it once in the Master entry, and have it replicate to other shared and non-shared vaults (i.e. Whole Family, Parents, and Work vaults, when the Personal Vault is updated) in one fell swoop; manually updating each one is tedious.

Examples: I use NordVPN for Personal life, and then share it with my family as it can have 5 or so devices all connected at once. I also share it with my Personal vault that has Logins that I don't want appearing in my main/primary Personal Vault, as well as a Work Vault, all of which I use NordVPN and have a clear reason to store the Login in more than 1 vault. Manually updating is tedious.

I work in Government and am often targeted by social engineering attack attempts. My work phone has excessive monitoring on it, so I use a VPN for any use to keep a firewall between work/personal life. Though, some of my work logins are also personal and I want them in my personal vault too (Veterans Affairs for example). I consider myself to have excellent cyber-hygiene and this feature would make it a lot easier to maintain it.

The list goes on. This makes a case for adding the functionality for users to be able to modify which items to appear on which devices (a step beyond Travel Mode), but that's a whole different topic for a different thread.

I find myself often pedaling your software and Yubikeys to peers. I've had some small successes in on-boarding non-believers. I give them quick demos, and for this reason I have a separate discretely named Vault for all the 'skeletons' in my closet that I'd simply rather not be asked about or have to share the existence of (i.e. throwaway Reddit account, separate email I use when travelling, medical care/therapy stuff, etc, that I don't want cluttering my primary Vault or accidentally being seen when scrolling). I've referred several family and friends for yearly subscriptions (I only discovered your affiliate program a few minutes ago lol), and I simply don't want a potentially embarrassing moment when demonstrating 1Password's capability and ease-of-use with 2FA/MFA. I came from Keeper and LastPass and don't ever see myself leaving 1Password, it truly is the best and additional functionality wouldn't hurt to protect your throne in the Password Manager world.

Very respectfully,


P.S. Sorry for resuscitating this dead horse! A few previously attempts to address this didn't really pan out (to list only a few). I understand coding this in is easier said than done, but I believe the use-case exists and is both a reasonable and valid aspiration for the Family subscription to include.

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