I sometimes have 2-3 passwords for the same account. How can I delete the old ones?

Community Member

For some reason (partly due to problems using 1Password which result in me resetting my password) I often find I have 2-3 passwords for the same site. The problem is then deciding which one I should use. I generally choose the wrong one, result in a message that I've given the wrong username/password. It seems that the newest one is at the top, but I really would prefer that the old passwords were deleted. 1) Why doesn't 1Password do this automatically? and 2) How can I delete the old passwords?

1Password Version: 8.9.8
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: MacOs 12.6.1
Browser:_ Firefox
Referrer: forum-search:I sometimes have 2-3 passwords for the same account. How can I delete the old ones?


  • @Bathrobe

    We do not delete user data. It's best for the human behind the keyboard to make that choice. We have no way of knowing if you intended a second login for the same site. The only known method for sorting duplicates/erroneous entires like yours is via trial and error. I use this when needed. That's the only way to be 100% sure what works and what does not and what should be kept.

    To delete an entry select it and in the center column right-click and select archive. This will keep the item out of view but it'll be accessible if needed within the archive at the bottom of the left-hand column. I highly recommend the archive vs deleting the entry.

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