Trying to install 1password 7.9.6 on Monterey fails with ''The installation failed..."

Community Member


I recently upgraded a machine to Monterey and, since it had 1password 6, I figured I'd go to 1password 7 which I'm using everywhere else. So I tried to install the latest (7.9.6) and it asked me to quit 1password 6, which I did, and then failed to install. I tried rolling back to 6 but, while it installs just fine, tells me my data is now in a new format and I have to use 1password 7! Yikes!

Is there some way I can install 1Password 7 on Monterey

1Password Version: 7.9.6
Extension Version: ??
OS Version: 12.6.1
Browser:_ N/A
Referrer: forum-search:1password 7 monterey upgrade from version 6 fails


  • ag_tommy
    edited December 2022


    1Password 7 should install on Monterey without trouble. macOS has a built-in installer process, and that's likely what's getting hung up. Often updating macOS, rebooting, and disconnecting any external drives can help. Booting into Safe Mode can also help. In my experience this is almost always resolved by a macOS update and a restart.

    Update macOS

    Safe Mode

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