1Password is saving ALL of my creds for a single site. How to save only the most recent change?

Community Member
edited December 2022 in Mac

Two problems: 1) How to UNHIDE a set of credentials? I accidentally hid the wrong set of credentials. And 2) I DELETED 3 old sets of creds for a site and yet when I attempt to log in to that site, all 3 plus the most recent set, pop up for a potential autofill. Very confusing, very frustrating!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:too many credentials saved for autofill


  • Hi @LWBesh, 👋🏻

    Apologies if I'm misunderstood, are you referring to the suggested items that appear below fill-able fields in the browser? The ones that look like this:

    To recover deleted or archived items you can right-click > Restore them from their respective folders in the 1Password 8 desktop app:



    Likewise if you'd like to delete or archive an item, you can find these options by right-clicking it in the app.

    If it helps to take a screenshot of what you're seeing, feel free to do so:

    Be careful to obscure any private information though as this is a public forum. If you prefer to switch over to email we can do that as well, just let me know. 🙂

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