1PW 8 Not Worthy Until Favorites Are Alphabetized

Community Member

I’m still using 1PW 7. I’ve been waiting for 1PW to keeps its promise to make Favorites alphabetical in a future update. Please do so soon!!!


  • Hi there @BZZZZZ

    You can sort your Favorites in 1Password 8 for Mac by clicking the sort options at the top of the list, then choosing a sort criterion, like this:


    On other devices, you can find instructions on how to sort your Favorites here: Organize with favorites and tags.

    If you need any support with 1Password 8 on a specific device, let me know and I'll be able to help out. :)

    — Grey

    Community Member

    Thank you Grey. Sorry for not being clear. I was talking about 1PW iOS app for iPhone. As far as I can tell, Version 8.9.7 still doesn’t allow alphabetical sorting of Favorites.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited December 2022

    @BZZZZZ ,

    As per the link that GreyM1P provided:

    To change how your favorite items are sorted, tap and hold Favorites on the Home screen, then choose your preferred order.

    Community Member

    THANKS Mr. C! That worked. I’ll now happily start using iOS Version 8.

  • Enjoy and welcome to 1Password 8. 🙂

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