Unable to change password on website

Hi 1password Support Community,

  1. I'm signed into the web version of 1password including the chrome browser extension.
  2. I sign on to the website, in the account section to change the password.
  3. 1password supplies the current password.
  4. When I click to enter a new password and use the suggested password, nothing happens.
  5. When I click on the browser icon, select password generator, and click on Autofill, nothing happens.
  6. There is no website confirmation of a password change.
  7. 1password accepts the password change that the website does not, and I'm no longer able to sign on to the website.

Thanks for the help.

Steve Stricker

1Password Version: 8.9.8
Extension Version: 2.5.0
OS Version: Windoes 10
Browser:_ Chrome
Referrer: forum-search:Change Master Password


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