How do I add my wife's macAir to version 8?

Community Member

A few months ago, I updated to my MacbookAir to Version 8, (family plan, I think). I now want to add my wife's MacbookAir and delete her old version. Please confirm I have the family plan. If not, please advise the advantages of her simply using mine versus setting up her own. She has been using mine for years and wants to keep it simple. She prefers to sacrifice her privacy and wishes to avoid any setting up her own; as she knows I find your update quite tedious.
Please provide procedure for both options.

1Password Version: 8.9.8
Extension Version: 2.5
OS Version: macOS 13.1
Browser:_ Chrome and Safari
Referrer: forum-search:How do I add my wife's macAir to version 8?


  • Hi @pjevoy

    We can't help you with any account-related queries on the 1Password Support Community, so please send us an email to containing a link to this thread and we'll be able to help there. :)

    — Grey

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