1Password for Safari is very outdated [late October 2022]

Community Member
edited December 2022 in Mac

I understand there might be some added delays due to Apple's review, but the latest 1Password for Safari extension available in the App Store is currently 2.4.1, dating back to October 28th and released to the App Store on October 31st. Meanwhile 2.4.2 was released on November 9th, 2.4.3 on November 16th and 2.5.0 on November 22nd. Waiting for a few days for a new release (with its features and bug fixes) is fine, but waiting for months is not. What's up with this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Safari


  • We haven't forgotten about Safari, but there are some additional challenges that need to be overcome before we can ship an update there. We'll do so as soon as we can. 😊


  • NoSync22
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben!

  • @NoSync22

    I'm happy that Ben was able to answer your question. Thank you for your patience. 🙂


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