safari browser will not update to 1password extension 2.50

Community Member
edited February 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

safari browser will not update to 1password extension 2.50

1Password Version: 8.9.10
Extension Version: 2.4.1
OS Version: 10.15.7
Browser:_ safari
Referrer: forum-search:safari browser will not update to 1password extension 2.50


  • @rthiker

    There is not a version 2.5.0 version for Safari at this time. 2.4.1 is the latest version available for Safari.

  • rthiker
    Community Member

    Screen Shot 2022-12-07 at 9.54.13 AM
    I'm confused

  • @rthiker

    1Password in the browser version 2.5.0 is available for Chrome, Brave, and Firefox. Version 2.4.1 is the latest version currently available for Safari. We're working on shipping an update to Safari as soon as we can. πŸ™‚


  • cspalding
    Community Member

    It would be nice if it were possible to determine what the latest versions are for the various browsers. If it is currently possible, I can't find the information.

  • @cspalding

    The latest version can be found listed and described on our release notes: 1Password Releases

    We aim to release the latest version to all browsers at the same time but sometimes delays can occur for one browser due to the different extension review policies each browser has. You can check the available version in each browser's respective web store / app store.

    I hope that helps! πŸ™‚


  • cspalding
    Community Member


    Thank you for responding, but your information isn't very helpful. The "release notes" webpage identifies the latest version of some browser extension, but it does not identify which browsers are at that version. It is not convenient to have to look at the different browser "stores" for version information.

    Regarding the release for all browsers at the same time, the Firefox "store" indicates that the latest version is 2.6.0. The "release notes" webpage indicates that the latest version for some (unidentified) browser is 2.8.0β€”two revisions ahead of what's available for Firefox. The latest version for the Brave and Safari browsers is 2.7.0β€”one revision "old".

  • @cspalding

    Thank you for the feedback. While I can't promise anything, I've let our product team know that you'd find a page that lists which version of the extension is currently available for the different browsers helpful. πŸ™‚


    ref: PB-31212370

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