Why isn't password history saved for database and server passwords?

Community Member

I just noticed that password history isn't being saved for database and server passwords. This worked in 1Password 7 as I can see history on my password fields from earlier in the year. But any change now to the password for a database or server login isn't being recorded in the history since upgrading to 1Password 8. History is being saved for passwords for normal login entries, but not database or server entries. Is this broken in 8?

1Password Version: 8.9.10
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.6.1
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Why isn't password history saved for database and server passwords?


  • GreyM1P
    edited December 2022

    Hi there @bmuir

    We've had requests to allow all items to show their password history in 1Password 8 (not just Logins), so I'll add your vote to that.

    You can find the complete history (not just passwords) for any item by signing in to 1Password.com and clicking "View Item History". There's more information about that here: View and restore previous versions of items.

    Give that a try and let me know how you get on. :)

    — Grey

    ref: IDEA-I-1685

  • bmuir
    Community Member

    Thanks @GreyM1P for confirming that it’s a problem with v8. I’m aware of the item history available on the website (which is reassuring to have). But I’ve gotten used to the convenience of having the password history in the app itself. I’ve swapped back to v7 and will stay on that version for a while longer. (I also noticed that field reordering was missing in v8 the other day, so yet another reason to stay on 7.)

    It might be worth updating that support page you linked to. I spent a bit of time on that page trying to figure out if I was doing something wrong, or whether I had discovered a bug. There’s no mention anywhere that password fields for different item categories are treated differently.


  • Thanks for your feedback, Brent! I see your point and will share this with the rest of the team.

    We hope to win you over to 1Password 8 in the future, and I recommend the 1Password for Mac Beta Release Notes if you're keen to look out for upcoming changes (field reordering to be among them).

    Let me know if you have any questions and thanks again. 🙂

  • bmuir
    Community Member

    Thanks Andrew,
    I'll check back on 8 a little later.

  • @bmuir

    Sounds good. 🙂


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