At startup, message from 1Password is that it isn't installed in the applications folder. It is!

Community Member

Version 8 on latest Mac OS.

I've checked and only V8 is installed. It works fine; just this message.

1Password Version: 8.9.8
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: 12.6.1
Browser:_ Safari
Referrer: forum-search:message of app not in applications folder


  • Hello @kfr3! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're receiving a confusing message about 1Password's installation. Can you confirm that 1Password is installed in the system /Applications folder and not the Applications folder located in your Mac profile user folder?

    Are you also able to post a screenshot of the message that you're seeing?


  • kfr3
    Community Member

    It is not in the Systems/applications folder, but I am not able to move it into the folder. I have no idea if you will get this image.

  • kfr3
    Community Member

    I purchased my first copy of this software on January 6, 2010. I really count on it, but this last new version has been quite troubling.

  • Hi @kfr3,

    1Password 8 necessitates being in the system Application folder to run as expected. Are you getting a particular error message when trying to move it?

    I appreciate your long time confidence in what we do, if there are other things in particular you're finding troubling with the latest version, let me know and I'd be happy to help. 🙂

  • kfr3
    Community Member

    I am asked to authenticate with my password. I do this but nothing happens. I try it twice, and I’m told that I do not have privileges to do that. Since I am the only user, I would think I would have the ultimate authority to do some of this. I am not apparently. Any suggestions.

  • @kfr3

    If you're not allowed to move 1Password into the Applications folder, that would suggest there may be something about macOS which is preventing it.

    ☞ Are you an Admin user on your Mac?

    Here's how to find out:

    1. Click the  Apple menu, then "System Settings..." (or "System Preferences" on older versions of macOS).
    2. Choose Users & Groups.
    3. In the list of users, check to see if your user account is shown as Admin or Standard.

    Depending on what's going on, this might be something that Apple will have to help you with, but let me know what you find, and we'll do what we can. :)

  • kfr3
    Community Member

    I am listed as the admin for the computer. I changed my login so that my password is required, but this did not help after login again.

    I'll contact Apple.

  • Hopefully a solution is on the horizon, @kfr3! We'll be here if there's anything we can do on our end. 😊

This discussion has been closed.