one-time password removed after editing item

Community Member

I edited an item (to change the url) and after editing, the OTP field was gone - i think i clicked edit item from browser, then i had to edit in the desktop app as i had to enter my password.

this is very distressing as it was my financial institution ... fortunately, they were able to disable 2FA and I got access back

1Password Version: 8.9.10
Extension Version: 2.5.1
OS Version: mac
Browser:_ chrome
Referrer: forum-search:one-time password disappeared


  • Hi @damien1

    Glad to hear you were able to regain access. In retrospect, it's hard to say exactly what happened here, but I'd be curious to see if the one-time password appears in a previous version of the item: View and restore previous versions of items.

    1Password keeps every version of an item, so if you need to, you can revert to a previous one. Give that a try and let me know what you find. :)

    — Grey

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