Upgraded To 1Password8 and have questions.

Community Member

I upgraded to 1Password 8. Now I have duplicate passwords in the vaults in both 1Password7 machine and the new Ventura machine. What a mess! Do I have to delete all these manually?

In 1Password 8 when I double click the login it doesn't proceed to autofill or log in. Is this how the new version is supposed to work - more manual entry is needed? I hope not because it is very difficult to work with. How do I get this to work like 1Password7?

1Password Version: V8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Ventura 13.1
Browser:_ Chrome or Brave or Firefox


  • Hello @crablice! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're seeing duplicate items after upgrading to 1Password 8 and that you've having trouble filling your passwords. I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Please follow the steps for 1Password 7. Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@1password.com.

    With your email please include:

    The report will be in zip format. Please send the entire file.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • crablice
    Community Member

    Unfortunately I already reverted back to the V7 so the files aren't there any more.

    I did test the new V8 interface where Quick Scan replaces the old V7 mini browser and hope in a future V8 upgrade the old interface is returned. The new interface seems to make this slower. The new icons are nice but not enough reason to upgrade.I didn't test the Linux version on my Linux box although I probably should have. Maybe later when I get spare time.

  • @crablice

    Just to confirm: are you not seeing any duplicates in 1Password 7 anymore?

    I did test the new V8 interface where Quick Scan replaces the old V7 mini browser and hope in a future V8 upgrade the old interface is returned. The new interface seems to make this slower. The new icons are nice but not enough reason to upgrade.

    Thank you for the feedback about 1Password 8 and Quick Access. Out of curiosity, what specifically did you find slower about using Quick Access? I'm collecting feedback from users such as yourself to pass along to our product and design teams so that we can make 1Password even better. 🙂


  • crablice
    Community Member

    That is correct but I had to remove the duplicates manually. All is okay now.

  • @crablice

    I'm happy to hear that you were able to set things right. 🙂


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