Getting "Your session has expired" message trying to save login

Community Member
edited December 2022 in 1Password in the Browser

I'm getting a "Your session has expired" 1Password error message when trying to save login for My login is not saved. But I am signed into 1Password on my browser and am able to sign into other websites. I'm using Brave browser on Windows 10.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser:_ Brave


  • Hello @not_a_robot,

    You mentioned

    I'm getting a "Your session has expired" 1Password error message when trying to save login for My login is not saved.

    1Password should automatically ask you to save new usernames and passwords on most websites. For this to work 1Password in the browser must be set up.

    Is the 1Password in the browser installed or activated? Do you see the 1Password browser icon in the toolbar at the top right of your screen?

    Does the 1Password icon show up in the form fields?

    If it doesn't, to install 1Password in the browser, follow this guide: Get started with 1Password in your browser and click on the Install button under the Brave icon.

    If you don’t see the 1Password icon in your browser’s toolbar, make sure 1Password is up to date in your browser.

    If 1Password is installed in your Brave browser and up to date, but you still don’t see it in your browser’s toolbar, follow this guide so you can customize the toolbar to make it visible.

    If you do have 1Password in the browser installed and set up properly, but still have issues saving a new login, you can manually save a password for any website, even if 1Password doesn’t automatically detect it.

    Follow this guide to save a login manually in your browser.

    Let me know how that works out for you. Looking forward to hearing from you.


  • not_a_robot
    Community Member

    The problem has gone away this morning, though I'm not sure why.

    In reply to Jermaine: I've had 1Password installed and activated on my Brave browser for over a year, and have saved more than 100 logins with it. Yesterday, when the problem occurred, I did try to manually save the login for the Eventbrite website, but got the message "Your session has expired". 1Password on my browser was working to sign into other websites, but would not save my new login for the Eventbrite website.

  • Hello @not_a_robot,

    Very odd indeed, but happy to hear things are working as expected today. I've done some additional testing with the URL in Brave and not currently seeing any issues either. Should you run into further troubles with this or any other sites, please let us know. Thanks!

  • encacz
    Community Member

    In my case I see the same message "Your session has expired" on any page, when I want to save new password.

    In registration form I fill in username, then I click into password field. Then "Use suggested password" popup appears. I click on the suggested password, but new tab with login to 1password appears with the message "Your session has expired. Please sign in again to authenticate 1Password." When I login into 1password, then the 1password tab is closed automatically and I'm back on the page with registration form. I again click on the suggested password and the process repeats. The 1password login with the same message appears again and so on, and so on. The password is not saved during this process.

    In the same time when I click on 1password icon in the browser toolbar, then I'm able to search my saved passwords, show them or use them in web pages. But when I try to save new password, then "session expired" message appears and I'm not able to save the new password.

    The only think, which works for me is to create credentials manually in 1password desktop application and then use them in the web page.
    The password saving worked for me many years before, but it does not work anymore (it breaks few weeks ago).

    I'm using 1password in Google Chrome on Gentoo Linux.

  • Hey @encacz,

    I'm sorry for the trouble it definitely doesn't sounds like things are working as they should be.

    I'd like to ask you to send over a console log from your browser as well as a diagnostics report:

    Please attach the reports to an email message addressed to with a link to this thread.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • nifury
    Community Member

    Hello @steph.giles,

    I've sent my console log and the support ID is #JMN-69994-272.

    Thank you!

  • encacz
    Community Member
    edited December 2022

    I have sent my report now. Support id is [#WCY-85731-978]

    It seems to me that the 1password in the browser stop work when I login to my 1password android application.

  • n1mh
    Community Member


    any idea what is happening? I've got the same error than @encacz everytime I try to create a new login. I'm using Debian 11 with Mozilla Firefox 108 with 1password add-on.


  • encacz
    Community Member

    The only think, which really works for me (but I don't want to use it) is to disconnect the browser plugin from the desktop app and do not benefit from the integration of these two components.

    The guy from support wrote me that they are still investigating this issue.

  • TravelerX
    Community Member

    I'm getting the same error every time I try to save a new password. I cleared the Chrome browser cache, and that fixed it for a day or so, now back to the same problem.

  • n1mh
    Community Member

    thank you, @encacz!

    I'll try disconnecting the desktop app because I'm not really using it. I keep everything on the browser.


  • Hi folks, just want to let you know that this is an issue we're actively tracking, and that if you haven't yet sent in logs and diagnostics as @steph.giles mentioned, we'd welcome that info.

    This is something our developers are currently looking into, and we hope to have more for you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience while we work on this!

    ref: dev/core/core#19097

  • andreasantener
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    Hi all,

    I think I'm facing the same or a similar issue, especially noticeable with multiple browsers open. I use Chrome and Firefox. When I open both, I need to first authenticate with 1P in both which is fine.

    After some time (I suspect after more than 30min), when I save a new password in one browser, I think I expereince the same issue. It opens a new window telling me my session has expired (btw I disabled auto lock in the extensions). Then I have to re-login and save the password again because the save before failed.

    Additionally, what happens in the other browser: it also opens a new tab telling me my session has expired and I have to login again. Until I do that (re-login) the other browser will not sync the newly added login.


  • leeoades
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    I get this as follows

    • I am logged into 1P in Chrome at home (Windows PC)
    • I log into 1P (using remote desktop connected to my work machine) in Edge
    • It immediately logs me out of Chrome at home

    Note - I don't think using remote desktop is anything to do with it but it does allow me to see that logging into a different computer affects my home machine.

  • donblanco
    Community Member

    Temporary fix for me - restart browser. Not sure why that works, but it bypasses the session expired message. Probably related to leaving the browser open when Mac goes into sleep mode...

  • Hey @andreasantener, @leeoades, @donblanco,

    Thank you for the information and I'm sorry for the trouble.

    If you are still experiencing issues please send an email to with a link to this thread and attach the following to your reply:

    Our team will then be able to further assist you.

    Thanks very much!

  • techretaries
    Community Member

    What solved it for me was updating 1Password 7 to 8 on my Mac. I'm using the Chrome browser extension hitting the same error for weeks (in the console it was an error between the extension and the desktop app which tipped me off). Once I downloaded 1Password 8 and reinstalled the Chrome extension it works! Gee, you could be nicer about forcing an update guys!

  • Hey @techretaries,

    I'm sorry for the trouble, thank you for the update.

    Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

  • Ronso
    Community Member

    Same for me. It appears since the last Update I think

    1Password for Windows: 8.10.0 (81000056)
    Extension: Version 2.7.0
    Browser: Edge

  • Hey @Ronso,

    I'm sorry for the trouble.

    Would you be willing to install the latest beta version of 1Password in your browser to see if it improves things?

    Here's how: Use 1Password beta releases.

    Let us know how you get on!

  • Ronso
    Community Member

    I found the problem in my case and it seems that it was my fault.

    I use a script, that removes a registry key from "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", so my company does not detect 1Password as installed Software.

    I saw in developer console, that the extension cannot find the App.
    So I restored the key and voila, the extension gets instant connection to the app.

    I now just removes the displayname value from the registry for the software scanner and the app still works as expected.

    The complete path must be there:


    May this information is helpful for anyone.

    Again thanks for support and sorry for the circumstances 😁

  • Thank you for the update @Ronso, let us know if there is anything else we can help with!

This discussion has been closed.