Finding a letter section of ALL ITEMS

Community Member

Put the 26 letters of the alphabet down the right side of the ALL ITEMs menu. Its faster than spelling out the name to search.

1Password Version: 8.9.11
Extension Version: 2.4.1
OS Version: 13.1
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hi there @blackxacto

    The alphabet index is already available in the All Items view, as long as the sort options are by Title, in either Alphabetically or Reverse Alphabetically order, like this:


    You'll see the alphabet index down the right-hand side of the list behind the list options.

    Check that your list is being sorted by Title, and give it a try. I'll be here if you need any help. :)

    — Grey

  • blackxacto
    Community Member

    Excellent. Thank you

  • @blackxacto – You're welcome! If you need any help in the future, let us know. :)

  • blackxacto
    Community Member

    with the two sorting choices you gave
    there is no right side alphabet to choose a letter. I got a great picture to show ya, but you dont take pics.

  • blackxacto
    Community Member

    oops, yes you have pictures. sorry

  • @blackxacto

    Thanks for the screenshot. You're right that there's no alphabet index in 1Password for Mac – it's only available in 1Password for iOS, with something similar in 1Password for Android. I'll pass along that feature request to the product team for them to consider. We appreciate the feedback! :)

    ref: IDEA-I-2426

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