Is it possible for 1Password CLI running on WSL to connect with 1Password hosted on Windows?



  • dmbuil
    Community Member

    Definitely a +1

  • taggartmaher
    Community Member

    I have a solution for Windows 11 WSL2!

    Please let other people know if this solution does not work for you.
    1. Open CMD and "winget install 1password-cli" or go to 1password docs and figure out how to install the WINDOWS version of 1password cli.
    2. If you installed with winget, you should be able to navigate to "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\<1password_cli_package_id>\op.exe"
    3. if you did not use winget, navigate to the executable of the cli program
    4. add this to your ~/.bashrc file in wsl:
    alias op="/mnt/c/Users/........./op.exe"


  • RikuXan
    Community Member


  • feoh
    Community Member

    Hi :) I'm struggling with this a bit at the moment.

    One thing that might help in the interim is even a teency bit of documentation saying "Just use the Windows op.exe command from WSL2. You will need to restart your WSL2 session for the new winget installed package path to be added to %PATH% at the system level" or similar.

    Totally love the CLI and especially the new query syntax! SO much easier than having to reference Item IDs like we did in the old days!

  • emilredeploy
    Community Member

    +1 from me as well!
    Sure, the alias works, but it always feels better to have an "official" way.

  • yjo
    Community Member
    edited October 16

    One thing to be aware of if invoking the Windows op.exe from WSL: environment variables are not passed by default to Windows processes spawned from WSL (& vice versa). Some tools that integrate with the 1Password CLI rely on passing environment variables, e.g. OP_FORMAT, which will result in issues if the tool is run from WSL.

    In particular the 1Password Terraform provider (in one configuration) wraps the CLI, and relies on environment variables like OP_FORMAT=json to configure it to give output that it can parse correctly. When running Terraform in WSL against a Windows CLI, these environment variables don't get passed to the spawned process, which means amongst other things that the CLI output is not JSON as the Terraform provider is expecting which causes things to fail with an error message like: "Unable to read vault, got error: invalid character 'I' looking for beginning of value".

    Once I'd realised the cause of the issue, my workaround was to wrap the op.exe binary with a shell script that directs WSL to forward all OP_* environment variables to Windows using the WSLENV environment variable. My op script sits next to op.exe and looks like:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    mapfile -d '' op_env_vars < <(env -0 | grep -z ^OP_ | cut -z -d= -f1)
    export WSLENV="${WSLENV:-}:$(IFS=:; echo "${op_env_vars[*]}")"
    exec op.exe "$@"

    This solved my issue and I wanted to share in case anyone else is in the same situation, and to ask that this use case is considered if/when an official solution is implemented or documented!