KeePass Import Issue

When importing a KeePass .xml export, 1Password does not retain the 'last modified' and 'created' dates from the xml file, it just shows the import date.

Is there a way to fix this? The xml is generated by KeePass 2.52.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Chrome


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited December 2022


    You can use the keepass2 converter in the converter suite to accomplish this.

    $ perl keepass2 -v ~/Desktop/keepass2.xml
    Attachment saved: /Users/cappella/Desktop/MCS_converted_attachments (1)/Non-compressed attachment record/backdrop.jpg
    Attachment saved: /Users/cappella/Desktop/MCS_converted_attachments (1)/Non-compressed attachment record/poster.jpg
    Attachment saved: /Users/cappella/Desktop/MCS_converted_attachments (1)/Tanks!/tanks.png
    Attachment saved: /Users/cappella/Desktop/MCS_converted_attachments (1)/Sample Entry #2/A Text File.txt
    Attachment saved: /Users/cappella/Desktop/MCS_converted_attachments (1)/Sample Entry #2/A UTF8 file.txt
    Attachment saved: /Users/cappella/Desktop/MCS_converted_attachments (1)/Sample Entry #2/cabinet cooling.pdf
    Import summary:
       10 items discovered
    Export summary:
        2 Secure Note items
        8 Login items
       10 total items
    You may now import the file below into 1Password 8:
  • arsene
    Community Member

    Thanks, I'll give this a try, though I was hoping the native import would work.

This discussion has been closed.