1Password for Mac 8 / 8.9.11 GENERAL THINKING

Community Member
edited January 2023 in Mac


If I may , Loudly thinking and if it's possible to forward to whom it relevant ill very appreciate. ...

I am long time with 1P. Very pleased from it .

BUT , As times moving and you'r upgrading the 1P it seems to me that I find myself now with a software that less easy to use ,
less easy to find simple and frequent actions to do , and too much options that overshadow simple, most important and basic actions.
For example : Need to replace a Password with Password generator on a login page ,
Why cant I see in-front of my eyes an option to do so ?
Too many options that not so regular in use INSTEAD OF BASIC AND IMPORTNT OPTIONS TO DO that easily can be found.
A common saying : You can't see the forest because of too many trees...
That's my humble opinion.

Best regards

1Password for Mac 8.9.11 (80911019)
iMac late 2019 ,
macOS 13.1 (22C65)
Safari 1P extension 2.4.1

**Simple example to change password **:

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi @ronen,

    Thanks for your kind words detailed feedback here. In the use case you describe, you would be able to edit and generate a new password by clicking the "Edit" option in the top right of an item. From there, clicking a password field would prompt the option to create a new one:


    Let me know if that works for you. 🙂

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Hi @andrew.l_1P
    Thanks for your reply.
    In my 1P version I don't see what you see .
    Also I am speaking about Password Changing , Not a new one ...

    Wish a SIMPLE 1Paswword version will be as it was long time ago ..
    Simple but effective

  • Thanks for the quick reply and clarification, @ronen.

    You should see the "Create a New Password" prompt after clicking on the password field. Let me know if that isn't the case and we can troubleshoot.

    Likewise, to edit a password instead of generating a new one, clicking on the field will reveal its contents and you can make any changes before saving the item.

    Give it a try and let me know your thoughts. 🙂

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Yes. now it is ok.
    BUT : What I'm speaking about ....
    you need to know that you need to click on the password field , and then you need too know that pressing again on "create a NEW password" also means update password . too much to know instead os simple :update / create new or present password field
    Meaning : simple and frequent tasks has to be clear . Too much actions from user.
    If you want sophisticated 1Password software , Do it "behind the scene" automatically.
    Wish I could more explain my thoughts in details .

  • Hi @ronen,

    Thanks for clarifying, I do see your point! I'm happy to record this feedback for our product team. If you're open to sharing, I'd be interested to know more about your use case. For example, how frequently are you updating existing passwords? When updating, are you making edits to the existing password or generating entirely new ones? Do you update other parts of your data the same way and at the same frequently?

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Hello Andrew.
    Thank you for your reply.
    1. “ how frequently are you updating existing passwords? ”: every two weeks - one login.
    2. “ are you making edits to the existing password or generating entirely new ones? “ : new password in the same login.
    3. “ Do you update other parts of your data the same way and at the same frequently? “ : yes.

    I’m using 1Password frequently!

  • andrew.l_1P
    edited January 2023

    Thanks @ronen, I've filed a feature request on your behalf and connected our conversation here. Thanks so much for all your valuable insight and being a 1Password user!

    Let me know if you have any questions. 😊

    ref: PB-29795787

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Hi Andrew.
    Thanks for your help and understanding.
    The more user simple interface 1P can be , The better !
    And more " behind the scenes " 1P can do ... better again.

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