Are multiple Chromium instances on single Mac supported?

Community Member

I have the Mac app installed, as well as Chrome extension, and Wavebox (Chromium) extension. The Mac app and Chrome extension, work fine. The Wavebox extension can also read all the data fine. But whenever I make a change to any data in any of those 3 apps, or generate & copy a random password, then a Wavebox window opens saying "Your session has expired. Please sign in again to authenticate 1Password." This has been happening repeatedly. But the Wavebox extension is not locked out. I can immediately open and read data.

Is there some limitation for the Mac app to do NMH with multiple extension instances? Or is a problem with Wavebox specifically? Or something else?


1Password Version: 8.9.11
Extension Version: 2.5.1
OS Version: 12.6.2
Browser:_ Wavebox & Chrome


  • Hi @jacob1p, thanks for letting us know about this.

    1Password does indeed support running the extension in multiple browsers. What you've encountered here is a bug that was first reported a few weeks ago, and which we're working to address - my apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you!

    Additionally, I can confirm that Wavebox is a supported browser, and that that's not the source of the issue.

    I have added you to our list of affected customers. Our developers are looking into this and we'll hope to have more for you soon. Thanks again, and well look forward to providing updates on this ASAP.

    ref: dev/core/core#19097

  • jacob1p
    Community Member

    Hi @PeterG_1P , Thanks so much for your superb reply! Much appreciated. And no worries. Looking forward to the fix. Take care.

  • Happy to help, @jacob1p. Thanks for spotlighting this one for us 🙏

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