How to remove account from login list of Mac APP

Community Member
edited January 2023 in Mac

When I logged into the 1password application on Mac, I found two accounts, one of which was my previous account, but it has stopped using. I want to know how to remove the deleted account from the login list of the 1password application on Mac.

1Password Version: 8.9.11
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.6
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • PeterG_1P
    edited January 2023

    Hi @CuteMiku, thank you for letting us know of this issue!

    In order for us to fix the problem, we'll need to discuss some specifics of your system and setup and offer customized advice. For that reason, I'll ask you to contact us at Please include:

    • your forum username
    • a link to this discussion

    That way our team will be able to locate the information you've shared here, and ensure that we have the full picture as we assist. Thank you - we'll look forward to resolving this for you!

  • CuteMiku
    Community Member

    @PeterG_1P Thank you for your help. I have sent an email to

  • Excellent, thank you @CuteMiku! We'll meet you over there for the next steps. 👍

  • As we've wrapped this via email I am going to close this discussion.

    ref: TJY-92345-433

This discussion has been closed.