Icon In wIn context menu

Community Member
edited January 2023 in Windows

There Is not a bIg concern but, It would look good If 1Password just replaced that B&W context menu logo with their colorful logo as it would look great, rest is fine I mean this is great & must have product.

1Password Version: 1Password for Windows 8.9.10 (80910043)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hello @Atharvgolam! 👋

    Thank you for posting! Can you clarify a little further about which icon you're referring to? Is it an icon on our website or in one of the apps? Can you post a screenshot of the icon?

    I look forward to hearing from you. 🙂


  • Atharvgolam
    Community Member

  • Atharvgolam
    Community Member

    This icon

  • Hello again @Atharvgolam,

    Thanks so much for sharing those details and letting us know you were referring the 1Password icon in the system tray. I've shared your thoughts with the team letting them know you'd like to see a visual improvement to that icon.

    We appreciate your kind words and thank you for using 1Password. Stay safe and have a nice weekend!

    ref: 29819079

    P.S. - Loving the Kratos profile pic! 😍

  • Atharvgolam
    Community Member

    Oh sorry @ag_mike_d for not being accurate with the language, yeah I meant System Tray Icon, & thanks for sharing that to the 1Password Team & also thanks to @Dave_1P for looking into this matter.
    Long live 1Password.

  • All good @Atharvgolam - you're most welcome! 😀👍

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