Sign in with Google not completely activating

Community Member
edited January 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

On the YNAB website (, the abililty to sign in using Google isn't complete. Notice that the buttons are greyed-out and can't be used. To resolve this, I have to refresh the page. Also, I can't figure out why I have two entries for this site and how to resolve this

1Password Version: 8.9.12
Extension Version: 2.5.1
OS Version: Windows 10 Build 19045.2364
Browser:_ Chrome


  • amswitzer
    Community Member

    Just bumping this up, because I'm surprised, it has yet to be addressed. I continue to have this issue on both Chrome and Edge, and on three different computers that I use!

  • Hey @amswitzer,

    I'm sorry for the delay!

    Can you try going to the YNAB sign in page and manually click the 'Continue with Google' button to sign in and select your Google account and then see if you can use the 'Save item' prompt. If this is successful can you then try to sign in again and see if those buttons are still greyed out?

    As for the two items, interestingly I notice I have exactly the same (I am also a YNAB user). It looks like a separate item may have been created when signing into the YNAB app on my phone. After confirming the information within the two items was identical (please be sure to check this) I have deleted the item titled and can still successfully sign in to the iOS app and on the website.

    Let me know how you get on!

  • amswitzer
    Community Member
    edited January 2023


    1. Clicked on the "Continue with Google" button.
    2. 1PW prompted me to sign in using my Google account
    3. Buttons were greyed-out.
    4. The Google sign-on page was displayed, and I selected my Google account to sign-in
    5. The login proceeded as normal.
    6. Logged out of YNAB
    7. 1PW prompted me to sign in using my Google account.
    8. The login proceeded as normal.
    9. CLOSED THE BROWSER and re-opened it.
    10. 1PW prompted me to sign in using my Google account, but the button was once again greyed-out
  • Thanks for getting back to me @amswitzer.

    It looks like the 'Continue with Google button' on this page has a loading state and 1Password is having a hard time detecting it prior to showing you the 'Sign in with' notification. I have passed this on to our development team to look at improving the behaviour on this page in a future update.

    In the meantime, I would recommend using the 'Continue with Google' button as you normally would.

    I'm sorry for the trouble!

    ref: dev/core/core#19352

  • amswitzer
    Community Member


    Thanks for getting back to me. I'll do that going forward and look forward to a resolution from the team.

  • You're welcome @amswitzer, apologies again!

  • amswitzer
    Community Member
    edited February 2023

    Any further news on this one?

  • Hey @amswitzer,

    I have just followed it up and I'm afraid I am unable to give a timeframe on a resolution at this time.

    Thank you for your patience!

This discussion has been closed.