iWeb security questions no longer being populated.

With the release of the latest version of 1P8 I notice that the security questions on one of my websites, www.iwebsharedealing.co.uk, is no longer being populated.

This site was always a little odd as I had to remove the password from the top of the Login details and manually add a new password field otherwise 1P8 would populate the security questions with my password. With the password moved 1P8 correctly entered the username and password and, on the next screen, also correctly entered the security question. All was great.

However since the latest update 1P8 no longer answers the security question or shows any dropdown options for this field. I have tried moving the manually added password field back to the main password field but this hasn't helped.

Any ideas? Thanks.

1Password Version: 8.9.10
Extension Version: 2.5.1
OS Version: Windows 10 19045.2364
Browser:_ Firefox 108.0.1

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