When adding new items, I would like the ability to choose from existing Tags.

I would like the tag choosing to either be from a list of existing or have it suggest tags as I type.
I came from LastPass and relied on folders, which in 1Password are tags, to organize my passwords.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.51
OS Version: Win10 64
Browser:_ Edge
Referrer: forum-search:Tag predictive text


  • Thank you for your feedback @bartek1password, it has been noted in our internal feature request.

  • evokweb
    Community Member

    Yes @bartek1password! I recently moved from LastPass which used folders. In LP, you would start typing a folder name and it would show a list to choose from. It is quite disruptive to have tags but not be able to apply an existing tag by simply typing it and have it auto-fill or show options. Hopefully this gets implemented soon!

  • steph.giles
    edited February 2023

    Hey @evokweb,

    I can definitely understand where you are coming from. I have passed your feedback on to our product team.

    Thank you!

    ref: PB-30835297

  • evokweb
    Community Member

    Thanks @steph.giles !

  • On behalf of Steph, you're welcome.

This discussion has been closed.