Feature Request: Clickable Links

I'm using the Chrome plugin, and I just noticed that links associated with an item are not navigable when using the dropdown menu.

For example, say I link my SSN to my Identity. If I click the plugin dropdown menu and then select my Identity, I can see that my SSN is linked, but I cannot click it or interact with it in any way. There is no way to copy the SSN to the clipboard.

This would seem to severely limit the functionality of links.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.5.1
OS Version: macOS 13.1
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hey @jcheroske,

    Can you let me know how you have added your SSN number? It should be the case that when you hover over it you will have the option to click to copy. This should be the same on all information saved apart from notes. If you have it saved in a note I would recommend moving it out to a separate custom field you should then have the ability to copy it.

    I hope this helps!

  • jcheroske
    Community Member

    I have added it as a separate SSN object. When I go to the browser dropdown, select my identity, and then scroll down to the linked SSN number, there are no options of any kind. The linked SSN object seems to have zero functionality.

  • Hey @jcheroske,

    My apologies, I see what you mean now. Within the 1Password app clicking on the related item takes you directly to it, however, as you say in the browser clicking on the related item does nothing.

    I have passed your feedback on to our product team to see if we can change the behaviour in a future update. Thank you for taking the time to let us know ways in which we can improve 1Password.

    ref: PB-30456507

  • jcheroske
    Community Member

    You're welcome. I was a LP user for many many years. Making the switch to 1P has been wonderful. I do notice the occasional rough edge though. I'll let you know about them when I run into them. Take care.

  • @jcheroske,

    Thank you for the honest feedback we appreciate it.

    Have a lovely week!

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