Missing option from Fastmail Integration after data Migration from US to EU

Community Member
edited January 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Hi, i recently moved my items from the .com site to a newly created account on the .eu side. I moved them via the export-import function of the Desktop app and also tried manually moving items from one account to the other one, both of them being connected at the same time on the Desktop app...

Everything worked flawlessly and really was impressed with the easiness of the export-import process but i found a problem with the Fastmail Integration, it's missing an option on the items that have a Fastmail email created via 1Password.

To be more specific, after you create a masked email with 1Password, you get an option to Block Incoming Emails that is available on the email field in 1Password, as it can be seen in the below screenshots. In both pictures is the same item, the one with the blocking option is on the US side were it originally was created and the other one that is missing the blocking option is on the EU side, after being migrated via the export-import function and with the manual moving option also, tried this also because i thought it was because of the export method...

Can live without that blocking option but really would have wanted that migrated also, it kind of defeats the integration purpose, it's a very valuable option to have at a click distance, what am i supposed to do now to get it, replace all the masked emails by doing the whole process again on every site individually? I have hundreds....

1Password Version: 8.10.0
Extension Version: 2.5.1
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro
Browser:_ Edge


  • andrew.l_1P
    edited February 2023

    Hi @Alekzander,

    Thanks for surfacing this and apologies for the delay. Can you tell me if you're seeing the same when checking these items in your 1Password browser extension? I'd also be interested to know if you see the Fastmail logo beside any of your email addresses in the browser extension.

    Let me know what you find and we'll go from there. 🙂

    ref: dev/core/core#19853

  • Alekzander
    Community Member

    Hi @andrew.l_1P and thanks for your answer. So, first of all, this blocking option is only available if you access the site, it isn't available on the Desktop app and it doesn't show in the browser extension. Regarding the Fastmail logo, it shows beside the entries that were created with the 1Password and Fastmail integration, they were copied properly when the import was done but with this blocking feature missing unfortunately....

  • Thanks for those details, @Aleksandar. We were able to reproduce this internally and suspect it is indeed related to the move from .com to .eu. We've filed an issue for further investigation but besides blocking from Fastmail's own settings or recreating emails via the integration, I'm afraid I don't have any workarounds to share at the moment.

    Thanks again for surfacing this, please let me know if you come across any additional details!

  • Hi there @Alekzander,

    I have been doing a deeper dive into your issue and testing a variety of workflows. I could replicate the behaviour you're describing (seeing the Fastmail logo next to the email, but no "Block Incoming Email" option) by following these steps:

    1. Use the 1Password extension to generate a new test login with a masked email (the "create masked email" option in the extension's inline menu).
    2. Save the new test login item using the 1Password extension.
    3. Move the test login to a vault in a second account using the Move option, in 1Password 8 for Mac.
      • The second account did not have the Fastmail integration set up at this point.
    4. Access the second account in the web interface and view the test item.

    Once I turned on the Fastmail integration for the second account, the "Block Incoming Email" option appeared as expected. Further, I got the same result when I exported the test item from the first account and imported it into the second account (using the 1PUX format).

    Therefore, can you confirm you have the Fastmail integration turned on for your .EU 1Password account, and that you are linked to the same Fastmail account your .COM 1Password account was?

    • Apologies for the seemingly obvious questions, but as I said, with the integration turned off on my second account, I was could replicate the behaviour you are describing perfectly.

    In the meantime, as Andrew indicated, you can "block" incoming emails to a given masked email using the settings in your Fastmail account. You can do so by following these steps:

    1. Log in to your Fastmaill account in a web browser.
    2. Select the drop-down menu in the top-left corner, next to the search bar, and select Settings.
    3. In the left-hand side bar, under the "Accounts" heading, select Masked Email.
    4. Locate the masked email you need (you can used the search bar at the top of the page) and select Edit.
    5. Select Block.
    6. Select Save.

    Now any emails sent to that address will automatically be moved to your Trash folder in your Fastmail account.

    Let me know the state of the Fastmail integration for your .EU account, Alekzander, and we can proceed from there if needed. 🙂

  • Alekzander
    Community Member
    edited February 2023

    Hi @andrew.l_1P and @Alex.C_1P , first of all many thanks for your answers and help.

    Second of all i would like to apologize because the answer to your seemingly obvious question about the Fastmail integration being turned on in the newly created .eu account was the issue. Don't know why but it didn't think that i need to integrate it again because i didn't uninstall the 1Password browser extension and thought they are already connected for whatever reason, a brain glitch i assume xD because it was one of the first things i should have checked.

    But yeah, apologies and thanks for your help with this issue, after activating the integration again the blocking option appeared on all the entries that were imported and contain masked emails created with the integration.

    Sorry again hope i didn't make you guys waste too much time and thanks again for your help, best wishes and good luck with your future projects.

  • Thanks for letting me know @Alekzander!

    It's no problem at all, and I am glad we could get you all sorted out. 🙌🏻

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday!



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