MAC (latest 1P app & Firefox extension) not asking to save passwords like it describes it works

Community Member
edited January 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

MAC (latest 1P app & Firefox extension) not asking to save passwords like this video “Use the 1Password extension to save and fill passwords on your Mac“ shows

In settings the “Offer to fill and save passwords” is on.

Also tried on Chrome on MAC and not seeing it there either. Am I doing something wrong? Does it actually work?

It DOES ask me as I type in email and password to save, but that’s not what I’m talking about – I’m talking about what the video is showing, AFTER you actually successfully log in to the site.

_1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.9.13 (80913040)
_Extension Version: Version 2.5.1
_OS Version: 12.6 (21G115)
Browser: Firefox version 108 (latest) & also same in Chrome (latest version, latest 1P extension)


  • Hey @dangerteamsecure,

    You're right, 1Password no longer prompts you to save your login after submitting a form you will need to use the 'Save in 1Password' prompt you see beneath the field.

    The video above is not showing up to date versions of 1Password, can you let me know how you came across this video so I can discuss removing/updating this with the team?

    Thank you!

  • dangerteamsecure
    Community Member

    I was just googling to try and understand and randomly saw that - it's the 1P youtube channel - so just sift through those I guess.

    FWIW, I think this should be reconsidered - and would be curious as to the rational for why that was REMOVED when already working - love or hate Lastpass, or fear their hacks or whatever - I heavily relied on that feature. I don't know how other PWMs handle this, so maybe this isn't on point. But I held my breath every time I logged in somewhere new - waiting for LP to catch it and save it.

    Why? Because before I log into the page and it's successful, I don't KNOW it's successful. If I save a password manually, and it fails, then what? Isn't that a hassle to then have to manually update it?

    I also don't know if "do you want to update" will work - if that works then this is relatively minimal for me - since I have 100s of password I exported from LP and can import to 1P. But new users I think this would hurt adoption, and if the update doesn't get caught, this is going to be annoying.

    I'm liking 1P, I'm going to stay with it - but I am really wondering why that decision was made - but if you all thought it through, and you you HAD the code, maybe it was for a great reason.

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