Clicking the 1password icon on Firefox windows only opens a blank webpage.

This is an issue on this computer and this version (see details below) only. It works fine otherwise on this computer on Edge and on Firefox on another computer.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.5.1
OS Version: Windows 8.1 pro Version 6.3 Build 9600
Browser:_ Firefox 109 64-bit
Referrer: forum-search:Clicking the 1password icon on Firefox windows only opens a blank webpage.


  • Hey @GAE5,

    I'm sorry for the trouble, can you check your settings to see if you have Firefox set to run in private browsing mode or never remember history? If so can you try disabling this and then test again to see if things work as expected?

    Let me know how you get on!

  • GAE5
    Community Member

    That seems to be the solution! It was set on Never Remember History. Works now. Thanks!

  • On behalf of @steph.giles, you're welcome! We're glad you're all sorted.

This discussion has been closed.