Password Gen. Memorable Passwords

Community Member
edited January 2023 in 1Password in the Browser


I like the Memorable password Approach, often I have to type some passwords manually in a remote Client or something where a 20 char + num all Random is just frustrating. But the 1P approach to "readable" passwords is a bit to simple in my eyes.

  • skill-beth-rumor-lynx
  • musicale.hernia-hard-tentacle
  • whose-foot-open-rubber

Those are some Examples. The Options to make those Stronger in 1P currently a bit limited, you can only use Capitalize and the separator.

I would Like to give those suggestions for improving this without making it more complicated:

Separator: Add a mode "mix" which keep it readable but use random alternating Hyphens,Perios,Commas,underscores.
Option "Add Number"
Option "Random Captials"

My Ideal Password from this would be like:

  • trEe.Beach_4719-coveR
  • 381-Apple.galaXy:PeNguin
  • psyChosis-leMon-48145.Washington

Currently I create a 4 word PW and randomize the delimiters manually and add some numbers.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi @solarizde ,

    It's great to hear that you've been finding the memorable password feature useful. Additionally, thanks for the suggestions - I will pass them along to our team.

    I should mention that the Separator currently does alternate between hyphens, periods, underscores, numbers, and symbols when "Numbers and Symbols" is selected. If you click the refresh button repeatedly in the Password Generator, are you seeing all the different possibilities presented?

  • solarizde
    Community Member

    Yes I saw that but the current way it mix number and separators make the readability / separation a bit hard.
    For Example:

    • Orange0nix3214_tree1lemonade

    • Orange-nix:3214_tree.lemonade

    Would be great if there were an option "Random Separators" which use a random of "-_.:#@!?" if you need to really type them in a console in a bad situation like on a rack or something it is really helpful.

    e.g. Like this draft:

    Seperator: Like now, +add: Random Separators
    Capitalize: Not on/off add a choice of mixed random Capitals instead of a full Word
    Add Numbers: Add one number block instead of one word

    Some Devices nowadays have very strict requirements for password "security" e.g. some modern nextgen firewalls I use have this:

    min 12 Chars, cannot contain user name, at least 2 of each: number, lowercase, uppercase, special

    If the password is hashed correctly t and follow normal best bractise his shouldnt improve security much but well it's their requirement which makes the use of memorable passwords sometimes harder.

    So in a Ideal world I would like to have those requirements met and have a password one can still type :)

    Thank you so much.

  • Thanks for the feedback and for providing the example image @solarizde. I agree that it would be useful to have more options to how 'Memorable' passwords are generated. Although I can't guarantee if or when those changes will be implemented, I have forwarded your feedback about the different options and use cases you mentioned to our product team so they know what improvements our users would like to see.

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