Equivalent Domains, PLEASE!

Community Member
edited January 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I've seen Equivalent Domains requested as a feature as far back as 2020. I am here to request this feature for Business accounts as well! As in, being able to set account-wide Equivalent Domains for all our users. This is useful because we manage a lot of clients over S2S VPN tunnels by IP address. Being able to set lists of IP addresses (or subnets would be really cool too!) to use equivalent passwords based on what type of authentication is being used on those remote systems (our authentication vs customer-provided authentication) is VERY helpful and cuts down on the number of entries needed for EACH IP address our employees access.

We're moving from LastPass and this is the ONE feature so far that is going to be DEARLY missed (and most complained about I am sure).

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi @roberthl,

    Welcome to the 1Password Support Community, and thanks for taking the time to share your request. 👋

    I'll go ahead and pass on your feedback to the rest of the team for further consideration. For now, you can add a second domain to the website field of the Login item that you want suggested by 1Password when visiting a site. This can be done by editing an item in the 1Password app or on 1Password.com.

    I appreciate you letting us know this is something you would fine useful. Let our team know if we can be of any help going forward.

  • TimDiller
    Community Member

    I've seen requests for this (not just adding multiple domains per entry, but a user-global equivalent domains feature) going back as far as 2015, with at least one other thread that wrapped up in 2021 with a promise from a 1Password team member to implement the feature in the "next release". This feature has been "passed to the team for consideration" a number of times. Is there a chance it will actually be implemented? Please be honest so I don't have to waste time helping my family make the transition from LastPass if you're not going to do it.

    I never thought I would be holding up LastPass as an example of what to do right with a user interface, but they do get this thing right.
    There is a real use case for some sort of global list of equivalent domains. A growing number of websites hand off identity to a third party. In a family of multiple members, if I have to type in multiple websites for a login item for each person, it removes the benefit of a password safe. I want a tool that lowers the barriers to using good passwords. This is not even for multiple family members; sometimes, one person needs multiple logins to the same site.
    My most recent example is "myuhc.com" which uses "healthsafe-id.com" for its login. There are many others, such as Microsoft's many services with a common login, Apple, etc etc etc

  • Ben
    edited January 2023

    Hey @TimDiller

    a user-global equivalent domains feature

    As far as I'm aware, this is not something that is currently planned. We're happy to continue to hear feedback on the situation though. It is rare that we say "no" to a feature — only "not now."

    What my colleague Max described above is the solution we have available.

    A growing number of websites hand off identity to a third party.

    Perhaps our "sign in with..." feature can help as well?

    "Sign in with..."

    I never thought I would be holding up LastPass as an example of what to do right with a user interface, but they do get this thing right.

    There are certainly some features in LastPass that we may not have and vice versa. I understand if this one is important enough to you to consider an alternative. I wouldn't normally take an opportunity like this, but if you're seriously considering a different solution than 1Password for your needs because we don't have this feature, I would strongly suggest looking somewhere other than LastPass. I would point you to this blog post our Chief Defender Against the Dark Arts recently published:

    Not in a Million Years: It can take far less to crack a LastPass password

    It is the first time in our history (context: I've been here nearly 15 years) that I recall us calling out a competitor in this manner and by name. That's how serious the situation is.

    Regarding the feature request: I wish I could offer something more promising than to share your feedback with our product team, but that's what I have at my disposal, and I will do that. I appreciate the examples you shared. That sort of context does help the team when reviewing feedback.


    Edit: formatting

    ref: PB30475663

  • roberthl
    Community Member

    I would say in whole 1Password's Business account features are severely lacking what LastPass was offering as far as all the controls/policies you could create, along with my feature request. I seriously hope that 1Password will continue to improve this as losing a lot of control I had over users and what different features they could use/not use (or force them to use) as well as much more, is a little bit of a step backwards as far as features. Obviously 1Password security is better with the controls in place, but if you're going to be taking a lot of their customers you should definitely improve that! We want to stay with 1Password and not have to look for alternatives if we find the Business features aren't improving. Thanks!

  • Hey @roberthl

    I would say in whole 1Password's Business account features are severely lacking what LastPass was offering as far as all the controls/policies you could create

    Our business team would love to dig in on the specifics you're looking for here so that we can get that feedback over to our product team. Would you mind reaching out to business@1password.com with the details, please?

    Thank you!


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