So much wasted time using 1Password - Video example attached

Community Member
edited January 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I have a love/.hare relationship with 1Password. It is so good at some things but so frustrating to use at a lot of the time. Wasted time and the refusal to implement folders when tags are horrible for tracking things like addresses (i.e. account > folder for every address for businesses we serve > passwords for that location) are my two biggest beefs. Below is a video showing a typical usability issue.

Why does clicking on the password to insert it fail on so many sites? And if it is a site issue and not 1Passwords fault, then why don't you give us an acceptable workaround, like a simply copy button? And why if I manually copy, does 1Password never offer to save the password when I hit the submit button? So I have to copy to notepad and then manually create the password in 1password. This is one of many usability issues and I encounter this in whatever browser I use. I often feel like I would like to revert to the browser password manager, which at least always works. And again, if these are site issues, than give us a simple workaround like a copy button that works etc.

On a positive note, the new feature for logging sites that use google logins and similar is the very opposite - that saves me time instead of consuming it.

Thanks for listening.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • DenalB
    Community Member

    Hey @PasswordSchmassword !

    Thanks for your video. I remember that I also had these issues in a former version of the browser extension ... What browser are you using, and what is the version of your browser extension?

  • Thanks. I use Chrome the most but also several others (most chromium based such as Vivaldi). I am using the Beta 1 PW Extension which I believe is the one that was recommended. So you are saying this does not happen to you at all? Another issue I often see if that even though I have the correct website entered for the PW, 1P does not offer it as an option and for login so I have to go up and search and then manually copy and paste.

    I am at the point where I want to see if I can just use 1PW to manually store PW's and use the built in browser functionality for automation. I just don't have the time to waste anymore :-(.

  • Hello @PasswordSchmassword, thank you for contacting us. I'm sorry about the delay in response.

    The issue you've described is not expected behaviour. I apologize for any interruption in your workflow caused by this.

    Can you reproduce the issue and then email the following diagnostics addressed to so we can take a closer look?

    Attach the logs and diagnostics to the email message.

    With your email please include:

    After emailing in, you'll receive a reply from BitBot, our friendly robot assistant with a Support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. Post that here, and I’ll be able to locate your message and make sure it’s gotten to the right place.

    We look forward to assisting you further, @PasswordSchmassword!

  • PRA
    Community Member

    +1 here, it seems that generating new passwords for existing logins gets convoluted. I find that I have to use Notepad also to avoid ending up with a new password that I don't have access to. I find I need a routine where I save the old password to Notepad, save any new password that gets generated to Notepad and then verify which password got updated.

    It seems there are times when I end up with a new item that has just the newly generated password and the URL for the site, no username.

    I'm not sure about it but wondering if the problem is related to being a new account with imported passwords that 1PW had no knowledge of.

  • Hey @PRA,

    I'm sorry for the trouble you have had when updating existing logins. If you come across websites where things don't work as you'd expect please send them our way so we can do some testing and improve the behaviour where possible.

    In the meantime, you may find this guide helpful: Use the password generator to change and strengthen your passwords.

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