Can my employer view my vault if I use the Chrome browser extension on my work computer?

I work at a company where my employer runs a continuous backup of all employee computers. I can access my personal email at work, but my employer manages the Chrome browser and has turned off its feature to remember passwords.

I can install the 1Password extension for Chrome on my work machine and log into it, just like I do at home.

My question is: if my employer is running backups all the time, is it possible for my employer to obtain access to my vault by imaging it at some crucial time when I am logged in or I have unlocked it?

Basically, I am wondering if my private passwords would be disclosed if I log into 1Password extension on my work computer in order to fill out my google email password, and the incremental backup catches my machine in a state when the 1Password extension is unlocked and logged in.

1Password Version: n/a
Extension Version: Current
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser:_ Chrome

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