Saving documents into category vs. attaching to secure note

Community Member

As I continue my exploration of 1Password, I’ve noticed the documents I’ve attached to secure notes on the desktop app show as “This item has an unsupported field” up on the web app, with no download button. The pdf’s uploaded and saved into the Documents category do not show the “unsupported field” message and there’s a download button showing in the web app. This seems odd. I’m wondering what happens if at some point I need to reinstall the desktop app, would the docs attached to secure notes still be there and accessible in the desktop app after a complete reinstallation? Where exactly are the docs attached to secure notes stored, and why can’t they be downloaded as is possible via saving them in Documents category?

I’m wondering if maybe it's better to save ALL docs into Documents category and then link them to the corresponding secure note, that way they can always be easily downloaded.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Tertius3
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    Custom inline file attaches to all item types have been implemented last year with the version 8 client and the website has not been updated yet to support these file attaches as well. However, all apps and the browser plugin support file attaches, so you can access them with these. It's just a display issue, the file attaches are just not accessible with the website, but they are all saved in your vault and synced to every app.

  • Hi @cmcdonald42, thanks for reaching out! @Tertius3 (thanks for the assist!) is correct here. If you have any further questions or concerns, let us know 😄

  • cmcdonald42
    Community Member

    Thanks for the response,

    If I'm understanding this right, the website will soon be updated to reflect the version 8 changes, and then the display issue will be resolved. No need for any concern.

    Thanks again.

  • You're most welcome, @cmcdonald42.

    We don't have any news to share about when the ability to download file attachments from (or .ca/.eu) will be available, but as previously mentioned, you can continue to retrieve those attachments from within the 1Password 8 apps or 1Password in the browser: Save important files in 1Password

    Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

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