Why I chose 1Password

Community Member
edited April 2023 in Lounge

so i was leaving LASTPASS, and have tested all of the major password managers (top 6).

The reason i picked 1password, and purchased a subscription was

This forum, and the way the 1password team answered my questions.

All the top systems are good. but i want to know, ultimately , that there is a thoughtful human in the background. and 1password has the best forum, with humans (i think you are humans and not chatgps), really going the extra mile to answer questions and help.

thank you

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OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hey @1passquest (me again 😁)

    Glad to hear you're getting the benefit from the 1Password Support Community. And yes, we are humans! It's worth mentioning that we also have excellent humans in our wider 1Password Support team, and they can be reached:

    (Just as a quick reminder for everyone: if you have a question about your account or billing issues, please email us for your privacy – we're not able to help with that kind of question through other channels.)

    We'll be here if you need us, so please do let us know. :)

    — Grey (a real human)

  • DenalB
    Community Member

    Also, there are a lot of community members here, trying to help. 😉

  • I could not agree more. We really are a community of like minded folks. One big family.

  • Kakkoister2
    Community Member

    The support team is the best around at 1Password, the support is the icing on the best password manager.

  • @Kakkoister2

    Thank you for the kind words. 😊


  • Kakkoister2
    Community Member

    @Dave_1P Anytime Dave, keep up the awesome work you do!

  • 👍🏻

  • Kakkoister2
    Community Member

    @ag_tommy You as well, I always remember you were one of the first people to welcome me to the forums, thanks for everything you do.

  • 😊

  • oschif
    Community Member

    I very much agree. This forum is very good.
    I personally prefer if majority of feedback and questions is resolved trough public forum and not private channels like email.
    Thanks to public forum everyone can benefit from the answers here.

    Also, the activity of 1Password staff here is also great.
    Other companies often expect that community will help themselves and they are not very active at answering questions. But here user can expect answer directly from the company staff.
    Also extensive explanations are provided when there are questions about security model.

    So yeah, 1Password is prime example how support should be done.

  • @oschif

    I'm glad that you're enjoying the forum. Thank you for being part of the community! 🙂


  • Darcorn
    Community Member

    If I can post my two cents here, I had a similar situation. The only thing that was keeping me from switching to 1P were the two factor authentication sites but then I buckled down, did the switcheroo and I have to say I'm still amazed at how easier 1P is. I remember 31st of December last year was the last day on LP so it's like a 'new year, new password manager' kinda thing

    This could be a nice thread for sharing your stories about why you switched to 1P :)

  • @Darcorn

    Thank you for sharing, we're glad that you're here with us. 😊


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