Anyone else having trouble with the keyboard shortcut?


I used to be able to do the whole login process from inside the login field on a given site without my hands leaving the keyboard. This has piece by piece gone away making login more clunky and annoying.

Most recently, Shift+Command+X now does nothing. Clicking on the 1pass icon in the field just tells me to click on the other 1pass icon in the browser bar to finally bring up the 1pass login window Shift+Command+X should have brought up.

Keyboard short cut for Shift+Command+X is turned on in settings. Using the Chrome extension on a Macbook.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: can't easily find but I think it auto-updates
OS Version: mac OS 13.2
Browser:_ chrome


  • Hey @someonenew,

    We've had a few other reports of this behaviour, and have shared this with our development team. So far it looks to be related to a known issue with Chromium itself. There is an issue raised with the Chromium team, and I'm hopeful we will see a fix in an upcoming Chrome version.

    In the meantime, could you try the following to see if it helps get things back on track?

    1. Copy/paste chrome://extensions/shortcuts into your browser's address bar and press Enter.
    2. Click the little pencil icon beside the shortcut, and then re-add the Cmd + Shift + X shortcut.

    Let us know how you get on!

  • someonenew
    Community Member

    Thank you for the response and update. Tried the steps above but the "chrome" drop down window is greyed out indicating the known issue you referred to.

  • Hey @someonenew,

    Are you able to enter the shortcut in the box to the left of the greyed out dropdown menu?

  • Thomas
    Community Member

    Had the same problem, deleting and re-adding solved it.

  • Sorry about that @Thomas If you notice something off again please let us know. I'm glad to hear a reinstall fixed it for you.

  • mikeho
    Community Member

    The workaround from Steph worked for me too.

  • @mikeho let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

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