How to export a single vault
Thank you for sharing. I generally don't recommend that folks manually edit their exported items since it can result in malformed files that 1Password, and other password managers, aren't able to read. This can lead to data loss.
I've let the team know that a selective export feature is highly requested in the community. For now, if you do need to export just certain vaults, I suggest trying the Travel Mode workaround that I mentioned earlier in the thread:
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We as an agency have a vault for each of our clients. Many/most of whom do not use 1Password themselves.
We need a way to export their data from their vault to pass on to them without exporting all 300+ vaults simultaneously to csv where their stuff is mixed in amongst thousands of other items with no way to effectively differentiate them from each other.
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Thank you for the feedback. Have you looked into whether creating guest accounts for your individual clients may work here? By using a guest account you can send your clients their vault information, by sending them the credentials to login to their guest account, without exporting their logins into a plain text file:
That being said, I've passed along your request for a selective export to the team.
ref: PB-37821380
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Have you looked into whether creating guest accounts for your individual clients may work here?
To you and I, being technical people, that seems like a good idea. It is.
In reality, with extremely busy, non-technical clients, we'd end up losing a ton of time walking them through the process, holding their hand, and frustrating everyone involved.They can handle unzipping an encrypted zip file containing a .csv but asking much more of them is asking to much of most clients as they're on their way out the door.
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That's a fair point, I've passed your new comment along to the team as well. Thank you for taking the time to provide your use case so that we can make 1Password better for you and everyone.
If you haven't seen it already, the travel mode workaround to export just a single vault that my colleague posted earlier might help you for now:
- Use Travel Mode to temporarily remove all but the vault that you'd like to export: Use Travel Mode to remove vaults from your devices when you travel
- Use the 1Password desktop app to export data to a CSV: How to export your data from the 1Password desktop app
- Confirm that the CSV file only contains data from the vault that you'd like to export and share.
- Turn off Travel Mode so that all of your vaults appear in the desktop app again.
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What I ended up doing in the end yesterday was renaming every item in the client's vault with a unique prefix
eg: CLIENTA - Twitter, CLIENTA - Mailchimp, etc.
which made isolating them in the exported CSV of all vaults possible.
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I'm glad you found a solution that worked for you. As Dave mentioned your comments were shared with the team. Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry the extra work was needed. I hope we can improve on this for everyone.
ref: PB-37821380
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As the OP, I'm glad to see the continued effort to differentiate between exported vaults in a 1PUX file that contains "all" the data pertinent to a vault. I support several nonprofits' technology needs and 4-5 times a month I need to provide a new employee or volunteer with all the various types of info in 1Password that pertains to their organization. I find it difficult to believe this isn't the case for hundreds of thousands of 1Password users. Hopefully, this will soon bubble up as a truly necessary feature in 1Password.
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Hey, it's now over a year since this topic was opened! I'm adding my support for this feature request, for you to thank me for it and share it with the team. 🙄
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Thank you for reaching out, I've filed a feature request on your behalf. Have you tried the workaround that I mentioned earlier in the thread? Here are the steps again:
- Use Travel Mode to temporarily remove all but the vault that you'd like to export: Use Travel Mode to remove vaults from your devices when you travel
- Use the 1Password desktop app to export data to a CSV: How to export your data from the 1Password desktop app
- Confirm that the CSV file only contains data from the vault that you'd like to export and share.
- Turn off Travel Mode so that all of your vaults appear in the desktop app again.
Would that provide you with a solution for now? If it doesn't then can you tell me a little more about why you're exporting a single vault so that I can make sure that the team understands your use case? 🙂
ref: PB-39578379
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I am hoping your team can make it possible to export just a single vault (in 1PUX since CSV loses some fields). I've used 1Password since almost the beginning, but this is something that will become a dealbreaker for me if it's not available in the near future. Is adding this capability anywhere on the team's near term "todo" list? regards.
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Thank you for reaching out, have you tried the steps that I posted earlier in this thread:
They'll allow you to export just a single vault. Let me know if that doesn't work for you. 🙂
ref: PB-39709610
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The thread you reference says the export is CSV. The CSV export doesn't seem to export all the fields that are in my records. Am I missing something. Would very much like to export a single vault in a file format, such as 1PUX, that contains all the fields.
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@Dave_1P – I can't speak for @nor, but as the original poster of this thread, while your solution works (partially) it doesn't address the data that gets stripped out when exporting to a .CSV file. For me, this wouldn't work at all because of the custom fields I've created in many logins. These don't show up in a .CSV export.
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This will work fine for me! Thanks for the clarification.
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Thanks, this did work. However, it's a little "clunky" for using frequently or for exporting different single vaults during the same session. If your programmers could make this easier to do, that would be most appreciated .
Version 7 was a breeze to use for this purpose - Version 8 not so much. my two cents.
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@nor FYI - if your goal is to export a few vaults to a CSV format, you can use the onepux converter in the converter suite to select which vaults from a 1PUX you'd like converted. You can use vault name patterns to select vaults, or tag patterns to select items.
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Further comment. I exported a couple of vaults individually. Took a little longer than I would have liked via this method vs. version 7 method, but worked.
However, the other issue that I found, is the export included the archived items, which I didn't want to share. With version 7, one could just export the items of interest, so it was easy to avoid including the archived items (or other items that I needed to exclude). Perhaps your programmers could consider this if improving the export is on the "todo" list.
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Thanks for the reply! I can certainly pass your feedback along to the team. Out of curiosity why are you using exports to share files with others? Why not share a vault directly or share an item using a secure link:
Both of the sharing methods listed above allow you to share items while still keeping them protected using end-to-end encryption which an exported 1PUX or CSV file does not.
I look forward to hearing from you.
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For the record... 3 times this week I've needed to export a single vault to CSV for parting clients that do not use 1Password.
We as an agency are not looking at the situation of parting ways with a client as an opportunity to onboard more 1Password users for AgileBits (granting vault access), we need to provide them with their data with the least effort, highest speed possible.
This is hands down my single biggest gripe about 1Password.
I just tried @MrC 's tool as it seemed like it would be faster than my previous time consuming manual method.
Running the MacOSConvertHelper on the exported .1pux file with the options:
--to_format csv --match_vault 'Client Vault Name'
worked well. This will now be my preferred method for exports.
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Adding additional note that using the command line version of the above tool worked even better for me.
$ perl onepux --to_format csv --match_vault 'Client Vault Name' ~/Desktop/*.1pux
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Thank you for sharing your personal solution with the community. 🙂
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I continue to be frustrated by the features that were removed from the new version that still haven't returned 18 months later with this being the latest. I guess not adding this back is a new growth hacking method since the official answer seems to be some form of "Just have everyone use 1Password". Thankfully a forum member has stepped up to at least somewhat fill in the gap on this one and it works like a charm but is an unnecessary extra step.
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Since my last message here I've created a Mac App to simplify things even further. You can create a copy of the App for yourself using Automator and MrC's tool.
Now I just have to drag and drop an exported .1pux file onto the app, type a vault name, and voila.
⭐️ Bonus
Here's a custom icon I made for the resulting Automator App To use it, rename the ".png" extension to ".icns", and then place it inside the App's /Contents/Resources folder after right clicking on the App and selecting "Show package contents". Overwrite the default icon file.
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How about something as simple as include the vault it came from in the CSV export? Then we can sort by that field remove everything else, and do what we need to do.
I need to extract 256 passwords, of over 2000. Trying to manually go thru those when in csv format sucks.
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@hroberts65616 From the 1password 8 app, you can :
- Create a tag (it will then appear in left panel)
- Then select all entries from vault (with cmd + a)
- Drag and drop all your entries to that tag
- Export in CSV
- Select only the entries you want with the matching tag (there is a tag column)
Not ideal I reckon but it works ...