How do you set 1Password so that you don't have go log in for every single password.

I use the chrome extension, but even two minutes apart, I have to use my password to sign in. In the past, it would go for hours without having to sign in and use the extension. Is there a place in settings to fix that?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:chrome extension have to log in every time


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2023

    Hey @janetsvault, do you use the extension in the browser with the 1Password app on your computer? If so, can you share a screenshot of your app's auto-lock settings with us? That also exercises control over the extension's auto-lock settings.

    Additionally, do you find the issue occurring after you've quit your browser? How about after you've quit the app? Please let us know with as many details as possible. We hope to hear from you again!

  • vobrn
    Community Member

    I have the same issue. It all worked until recently - i.e. two weeks ago it was OK and all my browser sessions worked in sync with the app. Now I have to login to each browser sessions separately and there is no biometric login support. I have tried already the disable "Integrate with 1password app", restart browser and 1password app and re-enable. Still doesn't work.

  • Hi @vobrn,

    I'm sorry for the trouble.

    Can you let us know which version of the 1Password desktop app you are currently using?

  • vobrn
    Community Member

    1Password for Mac 8.9.14 (80914009)

  • janetsvault
    Community Member

    I'm not sure how but it seemed like the app wasn't running. I set it up again and it's all working great. User error strikes again apparently! :). Thanks for the help.

  • @janetsvault

    On behalf of the team, you're welcome.

  • @vobrn

    Please update to 8.9.15 - How to keep 1Password up to date This should help.

  • vobrn
    Community Member

    thx @ag_tommy and yes, 8.9.15 fixed the issue. Quite large bug in .14.

  • I'm glad things are now working as they should be @vobrn, sorry for the disruption.

This discussion has been closed.