Possible to add due date for monthly bills and notify when date nears?

Community Member

Is there a field to enter a due date for monthly (reoccurring) bills and a process to notify close to that date? I found "date" as a field within each item however I believe the value is static. Thanks!

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Referrer: forum-search:due date


  • Hello @bmas,

    Thanks for your question. This is not possible and currently, the list of available fields to add to an item are listed when editing and selecting + add more. The date field is static as mentioned: Customize your 1Password items

    The only notifications related to dates come in the form of a Watchtower warning of expiration dates on items such as Credit Cards, Driver Licenses, and Passports. I can see where a notification from Watchtower could come in handy when it comes to this use case. I can't make any promises, but I've passed your thoughts and feedback along to the Production team for consideration.

    Please let us know if you have any other suggestions or feedback to share. We'll be here to help!

    ref: 30870232

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