Disable autofill for one-time password fields

I only use 1Password for credentials, yet 1Password constantly prompts to autofill one-time password (OTP aka 2FA) fields, which then often obscures the checkbox to remember a device for 15 or 30 days. This greatly degrades the user experience of using 1Password, as more and more of the sites I use I have 2FA turned on, so am constantly running into 1Password displaying an unnecessary autofill box.

Please add an option to disable this. 1Password can't possibly know my OTP, since it's on a separate device, so there is no reason to prompt for this. These fields should be easy to detect, since the input field has the "autocomplete" attribute set to "one-time-code".

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.5.2
OS Version: Mac 12.6
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi @wolfspider,

    The reason you see 1Password appear in these fields is because you have the ability to use 1Password as an authenticator on sites that require 2FA. Here is our guide on how you can do this: Use 1Password as an authenticator for sites with two-factor authentication.

    It isn't possible to disable the inline menu for a specific type of credential but you can easily dismiss 1Password by hitting the ESC key on you keyboard or by clicking on the 1Password icon in the field.

    I hope this helps!

  • wolfspider
    Community Member

    Why would I ever want to use 1Password for 2FA? That completely defeats the "two factor" part of 2FA. Then if someone gets access to my master password or hacks 1Password, there is no second factor to block login. I use Authy on a separate device for my 2FA.

    Even so, 1Password should be smart enough not to display a useless drop-down if there is no 2FA set up on the site; if for some reason this cannot be done, there should be a toggle to completely disable this feature. Telling me how to dismiss it isn't a solution, it's a workaround which I'm already doing. How do I request this bug be fixed or a toggle to disable it entirely be added?

  • Thanks for your feedback, @wolfspider, I'll share this with the team internally so we can investigate further. Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused, let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

    ref: PB-31021214

  • wolfspider
    Community Member


  • @wolfspider, on behalf of Andrew, you're welcome.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

This discussion has been closed.