Autofill Issue: Relevant information is correctly inputted into fields, but cannot be submitted.

When I use 1Password to complete identification or credit card information fields on a website, the fields are correctly completed, however the field is highlighted blue, and cannot be submitted unless I delete and retype at least one character, which then causes the field to lose its blue highlight. I have to repeat that action for each field that has inputted data and is highlighted blue.

1Password Version: Mac 8.9.15
Extension Version: Chrome 2.6.0
OS Version: macOS Ventura 13.2 (22D49)
Browser:_ Chrome 109.0.5414.119 (Official Build) (arm64)
Referrer: forum-search:blue highlight


  • Hey @MrNapa,

    I'm sorry for the trouble. Can you point me at a page you are seeing this behaviour on so I can do some testing and best advise?

    Thank you!

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